We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 3 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Elakshi: One who has bright and beautiful eyes
Elampirai: The young Crescent
Elana: Hebrew: tree Greek: sun ray, Bright one; Shining One; Oak Tree; A contracted form of Eleanor
Elandra: Home by the Sea, God is my Oath; God is perfection
Elane: One who has a shining bright light
Elani: Light coming inside the soul
Elanna: The star sun, majestic being
Elanor: One who is of the high born rank
Elara: A cheerful and happy individual
Elaria: A glorified individual
Elata: The light coming fron the heart
Elaura: A youthful princess, rich and famous
Elavali: Earth, Princess of the land;
Elaxi: A woman who has bright eyes
Elayna: One who is the shining bright light
Elayne: The ray of light entering heart
El�a: Jehovah is the Lord
Elba: Name of a place
Elberta: A glorious and intelligent person
Elbertha: A high born and shining person
Elberthina: A bright and famous person
Elbertina: One who has a noble heart and mind
Elbertine: A noble and glorious person
Elbertyna: A noble and glorious baby
Elda: One who is born warrior
Eldis: They are the ones who are filled with joy
Eldit: A wealthy and sweet natured person
Eldora: The name given to many saints
Eldreda: A sage who is an old counsel
Eldridge: A sage like faithful and wise advisor
Ele: The black, shining one
Elea: The bright and shining one
Eleana: The lucky daughter of Sun
Eleanor: One with bright and shining personality
Eleanora: Light which is shining and bright
Eleanore: The bright and shining light
Eleasa: A fantastic and humble beings
Elease: Noble being who takes God as oath
Eleasha: One who is born to provide salvation
Electa: A selected and unique person
Electra: Mythological daughter, has power of Sun
Eleena: The one who shines even during darkness
Eleesha: A shining and bright individual form of Helen
Elefteria: Honorable, one who provides salvation
Eleftheria: A free and independent being
Eleine: Form of Helen, a mother; bright one
Eleisha: God who provides salvation
Elektra: A shining and bright individual
Elen: One who has done constructions
Elena: Greek name Helen, bright one
Elene: Greek helen, the bright one
Eleni: Variation of the beautiful Helen
Elenitsa: A practical person, light
Elenka: A bright and shining light
Elenor: A bright individual, they are special
Elenora: Bright light, thoughtful person
Elenore: One who is filled with light and bright
Elenuta: Elenuta is a variant of Helen, meaning shining or bright one.
Eleonora: Shining bright light coming from above
Eleonore: A shining bright ray of light
Eleora: Idealistic, God is the ultimate light
Elephteria: One who loves freedom and liberty
Eleri: A chief, very important person
Elesa: The one who is elegant and traditional
Elesea: An independent person who takes God as his oath
Elesha: God of salvation, truth loving
Elestren: A trusted person, they are unique
Eletha: A gracious person who is very much lovable
Elethea: One who is joyous and happy person
Elethia: They are healer who cures people
Elettra: A healer who really likes to cure people
Eleua: The one who is intelligent and is majestic
Eleuia: Wish, one who wishes good for everyone.
Eleutherius: The shining Sun, they are the ones who share light
Elewys: The one who is the most beautiful of all
Elexandra: One who defends men
Elexia: They defend, one who helps others
Eleyn: A hazelnut, they are passionate
Elezabeth: A god who provides satisfaction
Elfeda: They are very powerful and have strength
Elfesya: A girl as beautiful as a fairy or princess, fairy or princess
Elfgifu: A gift from the Elves
Elfie: A good Elf, they are compassionate
Elfilda: A rigid, stable and hard working person
Elfin: One who is the ruler of the Elves
Elfled: They are beautiful people
Elfleda: A noble person, they are born beautiful
Elflet: A lovable person, beautiful and full of passion
Elfleta: A tender and logical person, amusing
Elfre: They are peaceful and loves peace
Elfreda: A good counselor, they are filled with power
Elfredah: A wise counselor of the Elves
Elfredda: Powerful person who is an Elf
Elfreeda: One who has the power of an Elf
Elfrida: One who can threaten an Elf
Elfrieda: Strong as an Elf
Elfriede: One who has the strength of an Elf
Elfrydah: One who knows magic like an Elf
Elfswitha: A loyal and friendly person
Elga: Elfin Spear, Holy
Elgiva: A holy and sacred human being
Elia: They have a feeling good feeling about the lord
Eliamar: One who has deep faith in destiny
Elian: A passionate and loving human being
Eliana: God has given the answer
Eliane: Jehovah is the ultimate God
Elianna: They are the daughters of the Sun
Elianne: Fantastic daughter of the Sun
Elianny: A Dominic Republic variant of Eliana. It means my God has answered.
Elianora: One who comes out of the majestic rays of the Sun
Eliarys: They have got the amazing imaginative powers
Eliava: One who takes his father as God
Elica: A noble person, they are filled with gratitude
Elice: One who is very close to the Lord
Elicia: One who speak and narrate ideas very well
Elida: A beautiful winged creature
Elidia: A little winged. strong and majestic person
Elif: One with a slender body, original
Eliisa: Vow is a God, merciful and gracious
Eliisabet: One who takes God as Oath, helpful person
Eliise: From Elisabeth, which means My God is an oath, My God is abundance
Elilen: A hazelnut, they are compassionate
Elili: A beautiful creature
Elilmani: Precious like the rare gem
Elin: Light coming out and is the most beautiful one
Elina: A name which stands for a bright light
Elinah: Shining light
Elinam: He is there for me.
Eline: One who shares light and brightness
Elinor: One who is filled with sense and sensibility
Elinora: They are emotional and full of sympathy
Elinore: One who is filled with light and is bright
Eliora: They are the guiding light
Elira: They love freedom and are compassionate
Elis: One who loves the company of the Lord
Elisa: One who is consecrated to god
Elisabed: Georgian form of Elizabeth It means God is my oath
Elisabelle: One who takes God as Oath, helpful
Elisabet: One who is madly devoted to God
Elisabeta: Elisabeta is the Romanian form of Elizabeth, meaning God is my oath.
Elisabeta: They are masters of gorgeous personalities
Elisabeth: God providing satisfaction and support
Elisabetha: A bountiful God figure on Earth
Elisabetta: God is bountiful and helpful
Elisabette: They take God as their oath, loving person
Elisangela: One who takes God as an Oath, a friend
Elisapee: Elisapee is a spelling variation of Elisapie. It means my God is an oath.
Elisapie: Inuit form of the name Elizabeth. It means my God is an oath.
Elisavet: A devoted individual, loves humanity
Elisaveta: One who is fully devoted to God
Elise: They take God as their oath
Elised: One who is very close to God
Elisedd: One who is the provider of satisfaction, an oath
Elisheva: They have taken God as an oath
Elishia: One who is taken as a vow, stable
Elisia: A friendly, loving and stable person
Eliska: One who is fully devoted to God
Eliso: Eliso is Georgian form of Elizabeth and means God is an oath
Elison: God is a promise and an oath
Elisse: A tender and adorable person
Elissia: God of Oath who provides satisfaction
Elita: One who has made a huge difference and is noble
Elitia: One who is chosen by the God
Elitsa: A trusted individual, a Fir tree
Elivia: A fertile Olive tree
Elivina: A beautiful friend of the Elves
Eliya: One who serves others, Lord is the God
Eliza: One who has a jolly nature
Elizabe: Satisfaction provider, a God
Elizabegh: God who protection and satisfaction
Elizabella: Beautiful person who took God as an oath
Elizabelle: One who takes God as an Oath
Elizabet: God provides everyone with plenty, bountiful god
Elizabeta: Dedicated to God
Elizabete: Latvian form of Elizabeth. It means my God is abundance, my God has sworn.
Elizabeth: One who provides satisfaction and fullness
Elizabetha: God is a satisfaction provider
Elizabethe: They are born mediators and active
Elizabez: One who has new desires and expectations
Elizandra: One who has all the beauty of the world
Elizaveta: A devoted individual, they are everywhere
Elizé: A variation of Elisabeth, meaning consecrated to God.
Elizebeth: God is a faith and is satisfaction
Elizota: A unique name, an expert of music and art
Elka: Where God is a vow, God s taken as a oath
Elke: A noble and kind hearted individual
Elkie: God bought.
Ella: One who is a beautiful fairy, one who enjoys life
Elladine: A bright and shining ray of light
Elladora: A gift sent from heaven, one who is filled with light
Ellamae: A combination name, one who is true to all
Ellan: Bright and shining light of magic
Ellasyn: Children of Ellis, creative and productive
Elle: One who has aged gracefully like a beautiful fairy
Ellea: One who is foreign and is true to all
Elleanor: Shining God who shows light to all, bright torch
Ellecia: Form of Elijah, ideal human being
Ellee: One who works with everyone, creative and excellent person
Ellema: An efficient person who milks the Cow
Ellen: Variant of Helen, bright, shining light