We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 6 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Chiarina: A famous personality
Chiasoka: God is too sweet.
Chiazokam: God has saved me well.
Chibarameze: God has made me a king.
Chibinobim: God dwells in my heart.
Chibueze: Where God is the King
Chibundo: God is my shelter
Chibuogu: God is my strength.
Chibuzo: God is leading the way
Chica: A sweet little girl
Chichima: A sweet and precious girl.
Chichimecacihuatzin: A noble person
Chick: Young Chicken
Chickoa: During daybreak
Chicomecoatl: Seven snakes
Chiconahui: Name of Aztec hearth-goddess.
Chidhatma: The real God
Chidubem: The one repaired by the Almighty
Chiedozie: Planned by God
Chiharu: Springs and clear skies
Chihiro: Thousand springs
Chika: Filled with wisdom and intellect
Chikelu: Created by God
Chikere: God has created
Chiku: The one talking a lot
Chilli: Cold place
Chimalma: Shield-bearer
Chimalus: A Bluebird
Chimaye: A blissful person
Chimayi: Gift sent by the God
Chim�ne: A heroine
Chime: Everlasting or immortal
Chimeg: Ornament
Chimere: A dreamy individual
Chimini: Light
Chin-Sun: The one who seeks truth and goodness in everything, truth and goodness
China: Filled with affection
Chinara: Received by God
Chinechezirim: God thinks good of me.
Chinelo: Thought of God
Chinesea: A romantic person
Chineye: God lives
Chinmayi: A happy, blissful person
Chinmoyee: Name of Lord Ganesha, intelligent
Chinta: Tension, tug of war situation
Chintal: Full of good thought
Chintan: Thoughtfulness, one thinking about comfort of others
Chintana: Intelligent and thoughtful
Chintanika: Meditating, a relaxing state
Chinua: Blessings from God
Chinue: God's blessing
Chione: Daughter of Nile
Chionia: A martyr
Chipahua: Clean
Chipo: A gift
Chiquinquira: Blessed Virgin Mary
Chiquita: Little gifted girl
Chira: Permanent, one which cannot be destroyed
Chirantana: Long life
Chirashree: A woman with everlasting beauty.
Chirasmi: A long life
Chiraz: Calm, peaceful and smooth person
Chirika: Name of a bird
Chisimdi: God says I shall live.
Chistha: Tributary of a River
Chit: Love, she who is lovable
Chithkala: Knowledge
Chithra: Bright like Sun
Chiti: Love, one whose heart is filled with love.
Chitleen: Absorbed in awareness
Chitra: A picture
Chitradevi: An image, name of Goddess of knowledge
Chitragandha: Fragrant one
Chitrakshi: Colorful eyed person
Chitralekha: A beautiful picture
Chitrali: A perfect, beautiful lady
Chitramala: A series of pictures, paintings, drawings, or sketches
Chitramaya: Worldly illusion, perception of experience
Chitrangada: One of Arjuna's wives, a Pandava
Chitrangi: One who has a charming, delightful, pleasant body
Chitrani: Holy river Ganga, at Uttarakhand state in India
Chitranshi: A small part of a story or essay
Chitrarathi: A chariot that is bright, dazzling or vivid
Chitrarekha: Picture, artwork; an artist's impression or representation
Chitrathi: A chariot that is bright, dazzling or vivid
Chitrinee: One who is multi-talented, versatile, or distinguished
Chitrini: A woman who is not only beautiful, but also has talents
Chitrita: Beautiful, attractive, pretty, decorated, handsome, good looking
Chivy: Life
Chizue: Long life or endurance or durability
Chlarinda: Bright, clear; dazzling; intense
Chloann: Greek goddess, who is worshipped for agriculture and fertility
Chloe: Fresh blooming, ripe green shoot
Chloey: Blooming, sprouting; maturing
Chlorinda: Greenery, vegetation; growing plants or shrubs
Chloris: Goddess of the Spring season.
Cho: Butterfly, a flying insect that feasts on nectar
Choden: The devout one or religious
Chodren: Lamb of the Dharma
Chole: Victory, conquest or achievement of the people
Cholena: Bird, the egg laying living thing that can fly
Chomden: She who overcomes the negative.
Choncha: Seashell, an empty shell of an animal usually found on seashores
Chonda: Wish, a need for something that may or may not happen
Choon-Hee: A girl born at the time of spring.
Chouko: Butterfly, an insect that feeds on nectar of flowers
Chouma: A woman who is refreshingly beautiful.
Chrie: A familiar form of Cher, addressing someone with love
Chrine: Follower of Lord Jesus, the son of God
Chrisann: Marigold, an attractive flower that is orangish-yellow in colour
Chrisanna: Marigold, an orangish-yellow coloured flower from the sunflower family
Chrisanne: Variant of Chrysantus, a golden flower found in North Eastern Queensland
Chriselda: Strong, powerful, vigorous, tough
Chrisette: Bearer of Lord Jesus, the son of God
Chrishauna: Pure, feminine, womanly or girly
Chrissa: Abbreviation of Christine, or someone who is annointed
Chrissey: Follower of lord Jesus
Chrissie: Follower of lord Jesus Christ, the son of God
Chrissy: Someone who has faith in Christianityity religion
Christa: Follower of lord Jesus, the almighty
Christabel: Beautiful follower of Lord Jesus, the son of God
Christabell: A Christianityity follower who is beautiful
Christabella: A Christ follower
Christabelle: A religious follower of Jesus Christ
Christal: Christianity, a follower of the Christianityity religion
Christana: One who follows the preachings of Jesus Christ
Christanne: Follower of Jesus and his preachings
Christany: One who is a follower of Christianityity religion
Christeanna: One who follows the teachings of Jesus
Christeena: Follower of teachings of Jesus
Christel: Christianity, high-principled, moralistic
Christell: A believer of Jesus and his teachings
Christella: Christ follower and believer
Christelle: Christianityity follower and preacher
Christen: One who follows Christ and Christianityity
Christena: Jesus christ follower and preacher
Christene: Christ follower and Christianity by religion
Christi: Follower of Jesus Christ
Christia: A Jesus Christ follower, Christianity
Christiane: Follower of Jesus Christ
Christianitya: Christ follower
Christianitye: Jesus christ follower and preacher
Christianityia: Follower of Christ
Christianityna: Follower of Jesus Christ, the son of God
Christianityne: One who follows and has faith in Christianityity
Christin: Alternate form of Christianity
Christina: Feminine form of Christianity
Christine: The chosen, the annointed
Christl: Ice, the solid form of water
Christyl: The solid form of water, ice
Christyn: One who follows Jesus Christ's teachings
Christyna: Follower of Jesus, the saviour
Chrisy: Christ bearer, Christianity
Chritiane: A Christianity, a follower of Christ
Chroma: Colour, shade, tint
Chrysa: Bearer of Jesus Christ, the son of God for Christianitys
Chrysalis: A hard cover that envelopes around a moth when it is turning into an adult
Chrysann: A variant of Chrysanthus plant
Chrysanna: A variety of the plant Chrysanthus
Chrysanta: Another name of Chrysanthemum, a golden flower
Chrysantha: A flowering plant, that is golden in colour
Chrysanthe: A golden coloured flowering plant
Chrysanthemum: A brightly coloured plant of the daisy family
Chrysavgi: It is a Greek name for "golden dawn"
Chrysavyi: "Golden Dawn, a political party in Greece
Chryssa: The annointed one, the chosen
Chryssi: Christ bearer, Christianity
Chrystel: Ice, a transparent solid form of water
Chrystele: Ice, The solid form of water formed at very low temperatures
Chrysten: A Christianity woman, a woman who is a follower of Christianityity
Chrystian: A female Christ follower
Chrystie: A Jesus Christ follower who follows the teachings of Jesus
Chrystina: Follower of Christ and Christianityity
Chrystle: Follower and believer of Jesus Christ
Chrystyna: Jesus Christ follower and Christianityity preacher
Chu: Pearl,a precious jewel used worldwide
Chubasca: Storm at the sea
Chuki: Born in a time of strike and hatred.
Chula: One who plays musical instruments
Chumani: Dew drop, a product of transpiration by plants
Chumki: A decorative star, a shiny star
Chun: The spring season, the season of blooms
Chun Hei: Justice and grace
Chuna: Clover, a plant of the pea family that can also be used for fodder
Chung Cha: Noble and daughter
Chung-Cha: A righteous and chaste girl.
Chuni: A scarf that is tied on the head
Chunna: To select, to choose from among many options
Chunni: The name of a star in Hinduism
Churni: A river, a stream of water
Chutki: Small, tiny little girl
Chuya: Something that is pure and clear like water
Chyanne: A speaker who is impossible to understand and comprehend
Chyenne: A river name, a city name, as well as the name of a tribe
Chyldeluve: A cheerful person who is focused and reasonable
Chyler: One who is loved by all, beloved
Chyna: A name that is derived from the country China
Chynna: Based on the name of the country China
Ci: A female nickname for the names ending with ci
Cia: The Greek goddess of the moon