In this journey of life, we as humans have days of joy, days of sorrow and days of confusion. Confusions of what to do with life.. work… Confusions of understanding people who are " UNBELIEVABLE" and confusions about our existence.

The Bible clearly states in 1 Corinthians 14:33 " For God is not a God of confusion but of peace".

If you and I really trust this God that gives us peace, then our hearts and minds will be filled with peace from above. Sometimes the confusions about every step we take, takes away our joy, our peace and the willpower to live.

But when we as God's children leave everything in God's hands, can find peace that leads to clarity in our lives. We cannot see a clear view of our lives if we don't look through the eyes of faith that there is a reason for everything that happens in our lives.

Activate faith in your life, activate prayer in your life, it is the key to heaven, the key to unlock peace amidst confusions. Cultivate the habit to always have HOPE in God no matter how things are.

Have the eyes of faith to know that He is fighting for you in the fire and the storm. Jesus is with you and will never let you go.

Release your confusions into His hands and He will release peace into your hearts.

This God you serve is no myth, but real and a prayer answering God.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. He'll prove it to you that He is faithful. NEVER GIVE UP.

Believe and declare. His love will take you to heights.

