We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 5 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Charita: A master of pleasant character
Charitee: A responsible, friendly, loving individual
Charitina: The one who does charity
Charitini: Follower of Christ
Charity: The one who gives donation
Chariva: Beautiful angel
Charla: Manly, freeman
Charlaine: A charming girl
Charlayne: A free, strong person
Charlea: An independent man
Charlee: Free person
Charleen: A lively, free person
Charleigh: Feminine form of Charles
Charlena: The one with free will
Charlene: A free woman
Charlette: Free individual
Charley: Freeman, person who has a free mind
Charli: One with free spirit
Charlianne: A strong, wonderful, graceful woman
Charlie: One having full rights
Charliene: A bold, independent, interesting person
Charline: The one who is born free
Charlisa: Brave woman
Charlize: Feminine of Charles
Charlot: A born Prince who gives orders and is prosperous
Charlott: A born Prince
Charlotta: A Princess
Charlotte: Feminine form of Charles, freeman
Charlsie: Naive, intelligent and free person
Charlyne: A wealthy and free man
Charlynn: The dark one who is manly, strong and filled with virility
Charmabanti: Name of a river in Mahabharata
Charmae: A rare and beautiful name
Charmain: A charming name
Charmaine: A beautiful song
Charme: Beautiful orchard
Charmi: Lovely, a lovely girl
Charmian: Sharing a litle joy
Charmine: Charming girl who is a born Princess
Charminique: A female child born out of love
Charmion: A charming, free person
Charna: Dark
Charnita: A normal, reliable and communicative person
Charo: A Rosary
Charolette: A royalty, free woman
Charoline: Petite, a maiden
Charook: A wise one who understands everything
Chartrice: Song of happiness
Charu: Name of a flower in sanskrit, Divinely good looking; Out of materialistic world Beauty like the moon and Lord Ram
Charugna: Dark colored
Charuka: Beautiful
Charul: A charming being
Charulata: A priceless creeper
Charulekha: Perfect picture
Charumathi: The one with beautiful and brilliant mind
Charumati: Name of Buddha's daughter
Charunetra: The one with perfect eyes
Charuprabha: Preety, pleasing to eyes
Charusheela: A beautiful jewel
Charushila: The one who has moral qualities
Charusmita: Beautiful smile
Charvala: the one who is on God's oath
Charvi: Beautiful, young lady
Charyl: A green gemstone
Charys: A caring person
Chaselynn: A shy and perspective peacemaker
Chasen: A born huntsman
Chasey: The one who dwells on hunting ground
Chashmum: Owner of beautiful eyes
Chassidy: The one who is pure
Chastin: The one who has pure character
Chastity: One filled with purity
Chasya: Shelter.
Chasye: Shelter. A variant of Chasya.
Chathurya: Clever individual
Chatlie: Filled with strength
Chaturi: She who is clever
Chatushkarni: One of the names of Goddess Lakshmi.
Chauntel: A singer
Chausiku: One who was born at night.
Chava: A living being, Serpent
Chavela: Where God is oath
Chavelly: Bold and beautiful
Chavi: A beautiful daughter
Chaviva: A beloved individual
Chay: A fairy tale
Chaya: Filled with life and happiness
Chayana: The beautiful Moon
Chayanika: The selected one
Chayce: A huntsman
Chayla: Palace of the fairy, ; life
Chaylee: Alive, to maintain
Chaylse: A Seaport
Chayna: A beautiful and bold person
Cheche: A small thing
Chedva: Filled with joy
Cheftzi-Ba: She is my desire
Chela: A consolation
Chelana: Awareness. It's the name of King Shrenik's wife.
Chelcie: A landing place, port for chalk
Chelcy: Port made for chalk
Chelidon: A swallow bird
Chellam: A dear one
Chelle: One who is like the God
Chellsie: Bank of a river
Chelo: Providing consolation
Chelsa: A port for limestone
Chelsae: Landing place of chalk
Chelsay: A landing place, self reliant
Chelsea: A chalk wharf
Chelsee: Landing place
Chelsey: A modern name
Chelsi: Name of a place in London
Chelsia: A native region, port of ships
Chelsie: Name of a district in London
Chelsy: Place for chalk transportation
Chemmoli: Flawless, expensive gem
Chenbagam: Name of a flower.
Chencha: A giving, loving, warm and agreeable person
Chenda: Thought, intellect
Chenelle: A channel
Cheney: Growing from the Oak grove
Cheng: An accomplished person
Chenille: Soft skinned woman
Chenoa: A white Dove, peace
Chenric: Amazing morning
Chepa: Morally pure
Cher: A darling baby
Chera: A beautiful princess
Chere: Dear one, a Cherry fruit
Cheree: Darling like a Goddess
Chereen: Dear One, Darling; Germanic - Man; Freeman; Hebrew - Singer; Plain; Variant of Cherie, Cherilyn
Chereena: A confident and analytical person
Cherelle: An energetic person
Cherese: Beloved sweetheart
Cheresse: The dearest one
Cheri: Cherry, a fruit
Cherice: A beloved sweetheart
Cherie: A darling person
Cherika: A tribal name meaning the Moon
Cherilyn: Variant of Cheryl, a beautiful individual
Cherilynn: A rhyming darling
Cherine: Dearest one
Cherisa: A sweet singer
Cherise: One who brings praise for the parents
Cherish: A treasure
Cherisse: A true, resourceful person
Cherlin: Coral, mesmerizing beauty
Cherline: State of happiness
Cherly: A darling friend
Cherlyn: Green gemstone
Cherlynn: Plain individual, a singer
Chermel: A determined, born leader
Cherree: Great power and wealth
Cherrell: A beloved person
Cherrelle: A dear and beloved one
Cherri: A fruit bearing tree
Cherrie: Sweet Cheery tree
Cherrill: A green gemstone, Cherry
Cherry: Name derived from a fruit
Cherrylyn: A dear person
Cheryl: Cherry fruit
Cheryle: A Cherry fruit
Cheryll: Coral, a virgin
Cheryn: A maiden
Ches: Clearing camp
Chesa: Greatness
Chesed: A merciful individual
Cheshta: Unending desire
Cheslee: A meadow of camp
Cheslie: Camping on a meadow
Chesna: A calm place
Chesney: Grove of Oak
Chessa: The one who is at peace
Chestha: Trying, the one who tries
Chestina: A treasured individual
Chetana: The one full of consciousness
Chetanzi: A yellow Hawk
Chetna: An alert, intelligent and powerful people
Chevaune: The gracious God
Chevelle: A small bird
Chevis: A thick bodied Fish
Chevonne: Gracious God
Chewa: She who is great or powerful.
Cheyanne: Capital city of Wyoming
Cheydan: Peaceful or patient
Cheyenne: Tribe of the Great Plains
Cheyna: A beautiful woman.
Chezarina: Another name of name Cesar
Chhabi: The perfect picture
Chhavi: Radiant, reflection of an image
Chhavvi: A radiant reflection
Chhaya: A shadow or an image
Chhean: Meditation
Chhorvin: A glamorous woman.
Chiagozie: God has blessed me.
Chiaki: Sparkling light
Chiana: Capital city on the Plains
Chianne: Those who speak unintelligently
Chiara: As clear as light