We have created a list of 1512 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter T. This is Page 7 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Torsha: A river in Bengal region
Toru: A vast and huge sea of water
Torunn: The love of thunder God, mother of Bishop
Tosca: A habitational name for one who is from Tuscany
Toscana: The regional capital of Florence, Italy
Tosha: Refers to christ
Toshale: One who is the satisfaction
Toshani: One of the name of Goddess Durga
Toshawah: A jewellery item specifically a silver brooch
Toshika: A bright or clever child, alert
Toshiko: An ancient or valued child
Totole: A star of the constellation
Tottie: A familiar form of Charlotte
Touba: The blessed or the best person
Touca: Out of a birds name Toucan
Toufie: A successful, elegant and royal being
Touild: A tolerant, diligen and elegant individual
Touillda: Unselfish, lonely and analytical person
Toula: In Greek it means Light. In Hindi its is a Astrological sign
Toulin: A circular band of light around moon
Toulouse: One who belongs to the city Tolosa
Toure: One who belongs to Soussou, Africa
Tourmaline: Colored crystals
Tova: Good
Tovah: Good or one who does good
Tove: Good
Toviel: The Goodness of my God
Towanda: A peaceful resting place or the place of rushing water
Tozi: Aztec goddess of healing and sweet water
Tra: A trail or a path in the forest
Tracee: Warrior
Tracena: Who belongs to the place or Thracians
Traci: Thracius' place
Tracia: Who has come from the land of Thracius
Tracie: Who hails from the place of Thracius
Tracina: A girl from the Thracius
Track: A path or way, a season
Tracy: From the Irish word 'treasach', meaning fighter, higher, more powerful or superior
Trahel: One who is like iron
Traice: One who is from thracia
Trais: The numeric Three
Trakiala: A formed or created
Tralloni: The servant or the serf
Trana: A bird or a sorceress
Trandafira: Rose or rosebush
Trang: An intelligent or a serious person
Tranquilla: One who is tranquil or calm
Trariti: An agile or a swift person, Goddess Durga
Trava: Fresh grasses
Travis: To cross over
Travon: Fair town
Trayathi: The divine protection from the Lord
Trayce: One who is from the Thricius
Trayi: A scholar or an intellect person
Tre: The third-born child
Treasa: Strength or the strength of a person
Treemonisha: A black women who strives to educating the superstitious community
Treena: One who is piercing something
Treeshita: The three lines of anything
Tregereth: Mercy
Trek: The images of a journey
Trella: The star of the sky
Tremaine: Rock settlement
Tremayne: Rock settlement
Trena: A bunch of sweet flowers with thorns, sweet briar
Trenna: A bunch of wild roses
Trent: Gushing waters
Trentin: The river Trent, swift river
Trenton: Trent's town
Tresa: A strong person, name of a saint
Treslyn: delicate, fairylike or a sophisticated girl
Tress: A woman with long hair
Tressa: The numeral three from Cornish word
Tressie: A brave women from Therasia
Tressye: One who harvest or a guardian
Trevina: A girl from the big farm
Trevon: Fair town
Trevor: From the large village
Treya: A young woman walking on three paths
Treyce: A mark left by he passing of someone, a trail left
Treza: Harvest or the late summer, a saint
Tria: In Greek it refers to the follower of Demeter. In Spanish it is the count of three
Triaksha: One who has the third eye, Goddess Durga
Triambika: The Goddess of three moon, Goddess Parvati
Triamour: One who loves three times
Triana: In Sanskrit it means one who is piercing. In Spanish it means Third
Trianna: A gracious or a noble person, a pure
Tribeni: The meeting point of three sacred rivers
Tribhuvaneshwari: The Lord of one who has the knowledge of three worlds
Tricha: A noble-woman, who is kind and generous
Trichani: The three gifts from the God
Tricia: A patrician
Tridhara: The river ganga
Trieu: A tide or a small wave
Triguna: Goddess durga, maya
Triguni: The three dimensions
Triinu: Triinu is a form of Katariina. It means pure.
Trijagati: One who has the three powers, Goddess Parvati
Trijama: The river Jamuna, river of night
Trijntje: Name of a goddess, pure, each of the two
Trijoya: The three wins or victories
Trikaya: Three dimensional
Trilaki: One who belongs to the three worlds
Trillian: A noble daughter of a bald man
Trilochana: Three eyed, durga
Trilochoni: One who have three eyes, Goddess Durga
Trilohana: One with the third eye
Triman: One who is worshipped in all the three worlds
Trina: Pure
Trinayana: Who have three beautiful eyes
Trinayani: Three eyed, durga
Trine: A innocent or cute person
Trinesha: Flower opening on the third day.
Trinetra: Three eyed, durga
Trinette: A very little innocent child
Trinh: One who is pure, virtuous, virgin
Trini: A holy girl, holy trinity
Trinice: A beautiful person, trice beautiful
Triniece: The third niece, pretty
Trinika: Trinika means pure, triad, a trio or as in the Holy Trinity
Trinique: A pure or unique person
Trinity: The holy triad.
Triona: A pure, unpolluted, virgin
Triparna: The leaves of sacred bael
Triparni: Like the leaves of sacred Bael
Tripathaga: A river flowing through three regions, River Ganges
Tripathagamini: One who flows or cross through three regions
Tripta: Satisfied
Tripti: Satisfaction
Tripurasundari: The beautification of three cities
Tripuri: Parvati
Triputa: The Goddess of satisfaction
Tris: One who make others happy and bring happiness
Trisa: A noble girl. From high family
Trishala: Mother of lord mahavir
Trishalana: A river or water stream from heaven
Trishana: Thirst, aspiration, carving for something
Trishanna: the three moments
Trishara: The desire or thirst
Trishika: One who is with pitchfork, Goddess Laxmi
Trishima: The owner of three boundaries
Trishna: Thirst
Trishona: One who is with thrice sweetness
Trishulini: One ho carries a pitchfork, Goddess Laxmi
Trishva: One who can line in all the three worlds
Triska: A splinter or a silver jewel
Trissa: A harvester, a strong farmer
Trista: Sorrow
Tristam: To clatter or a noise, a knight
Tristana: One who is sad or sorrowful
Tristessa: A hope or the hope to free from sadness
Tristian: An agitated noise or outcry, Arthurian knight
Tristin: Tumult
Tristina: A rhyming noise, full of sorrows
Tristine: A virgin girl, a pure girl
Triston: Tumult
Tristyn: A virtuous pure virgin girl
Triti: A moment of time
Trivani: The conglomeration of three rivers
Triveni: Confluence of three rivers, the ganga, yamuna and saraswati
Trixie: One who brings joy, a bringer of joy
Trixy: One who always brings joy and happiness
Triya: The third or the walking on three paths
Triyama: Night
Trota: A philosophical and self sufficient being
Troy: Son of a foot-soldier
Trpimira: The name is derived from elements trpi endure, bear, suffer and mir meaning peace or world.
Truda: A girl who fights for her nation.
Trude: Refers to very powerful.
Trudi: Refers to settlement.
Trudie: Who is powerful in spear throw.
Trudy: A person who is having mighty strength in the spear.
Truely: One with the truth of whole heart
Trueth: Compassion in Cornish vocabulary.
Trula: Refers to the fact or reality.
Truly: A person who always speak the truth
Truman: Faithful man
Trupti: Satiatedness
Trusha: Thirst
Trushna: Hunger
Trushti: Satisfied
Truth: A blessed and fragrant person
Truvy: A person who appreciates beauty
Tryna: Means number three or third position.
Tryphena: Elusive or graceful.
Tryphosa: Refers to gentle and forgiving person.
Tryssa: A generous and friendly individual
Trystan: A sorrowful man, A knight of the round table in arthurian legend
Trystyn: A from of Tristan (uproar)
Tsaro: From near the village of Tsaro
Tseeli: Princess
Tsega: A reticent, independent and intellectual being
Tsetseg: Flower
Tsetsegmaa: Flower
Tsisana: Of the sky
Tsisia: Of the sky or sky or heaven
Tsiuri: Sky, heaven
Tsoenamawu: Leave it to God
Tsolmon: Venus
Tsubame: Accept or believe.