We have created a list of 1512 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter T. This is Page 6 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Tiffiny: The manifesto of God
Tifnee: Born or 12th night of the month
Tifnie: The God's enlightment
Tifny: The enlightment of supernatural being
Tigerlily: The combination of tiger and Lily flower
Tigerni: The power of a tigress
Tiggy: Short form of Antigone that means worthy of one's parents
Tigran: Shooting or fighting with arrows
Tihana: A quiet person, a saint
Tihomira: Female form of Tihomir. It means quiet and peace world.
Tiia: A gift of joy from the God
Tiina: From the river
Tija: The joy and happiness from god
Tijah: Malay form of Khadija, meaning premature child.
Tijana: The silent or stands for the peace
Tika: In Navaho Indian it means Sun maiden. In Sioux it means Flower
Tikal: Something at the waterhole or near the water reservoir
Tikia: One who worships a lot, a worshipper
Tikshya: Patience, a patient person
Tila: In English it means Good person. In German it means mighty in battle
Tiladene: One who is from the valley of fertile land
Tilaka: A kind of necklace
Tilda: the strength or power in battle
Tilde: A title or a superscription
Tilia: The tiel trees or lime trees
Tilika: An auspicious mark or symbol
Tille: A female virgin from the battle
Tilles: One who is fortunate, splendour
Tilli: One who is mighty in battle
Tillie: A mighty person from the battle
Tilly: The strength in battle or war
Tilney: One who belongs to the Tiln village
Tilottama: A celestial maiden
Tim: One who honors god
Timandra: One who is honoured by God
Timara: A date palm or the palm tree
Timaria: One who belongs to the land of palm tree
Timarion: An honoured little person
Timber: Wood
Timberlake: The lake or reservoir in midst of timber trees
Timberly: A rock or gem from the lands on timber
Timbre: A quality of a sound, a timbre of a voice or music
Timbrel: An instrument for music
Timea: Cheerfulness or the good spirits
Timeeka: A good spirited person
Timila: A musical
Timilehin: God is with you.
Timna: To restrain or to hold
Timnah: To held from, forbidden, restrained
Timothea: Honoring god
Timsy: A star or a shining bright star
Tina: A Christian girl, She who follows Christ
Tinashe: God is always with us, belief in god
Tinatin: Light
Tinaya: A follower of God
Tinble: Sounds that the bell make.
Tindra: To sparkle or to twinkle
Tine: One who follows Christ
Tinecia: God is with us
Ting: A graceful or a slim person
Tingiri: Picher, a family of burrowing mammals
Tinika: The glorious and beautiful
Tinka: A heavenly body, celestial
Tinkal: A butterfly, beautiful butterfly
Tinkara: A form of Tina, meaning 'river'.
Tinki: One who is bashful or shy
Tinley: A fence or a hedge
Tinna: Icelandic form of Tina, meaning river.
Tinni: A pet name means small or beautiful girl
Tino Aroha: One who is loved and adored by all.
Tinuviel: A nightingale or an enchantress
Tiny: A small or a little one
Tiombe: A person who is shy
Tiona: A fairy queen, a deity
Tionna: From the clan of Roman empire
Tionne: A supreme gift from God
Tipah: One who is gentle and kind. A form of Latipha.
Tiphanee: A manifestation of God
Tiphaney: The respect of God
Tiphani: One who is respectful towards God
Tiphanie: One who is manifested towards the God
Tiphany: Manifestation towards God
Tiphina: One who born on the night of twelfth
Tiponya: An owl who is jabbing the hatching egg
Tippa: A drop or a drop of any liquid
Tipper: A well or water
Tippi: A yellow or golden horse
Tira: In Hebrew it means encampment. In Hindi it means an arrow
Tiran: A beginner or a place in Israel
Tirana: A city formed of solid materials, a fortress
Tirion: Gentle or sort, or tender
Tirre: Responsible for the wardrobe of royal or nobles
Tirsa: Pleasant
Tirtzah: Agreeable
Tirza: My girl is my delight
Tirzah: Delight
Tisa: A desirable person, cypress tree
Tish: A strong will or will-power
Tisha: Aristocrat
Tishala: One who has a strong will power
Tishia: happiness or joy
Tishtar: Name of the angel of rain.
Tishya: The sense of joy and happiness
Tissi: A type of frustrated behaviour
Tista: A tributary of ganga river located in north india
Tisya: An auspicious star from the sky
Tisya: Auspicious
Tisyha: A star from the sky
Titania: A queen of the fairies
Titel: Land of strength, a place in Serbia
Tithi: A lunar date or day or moment
Titiksha: Forgiveness
Titilayo: One who is joyful for ever, ever happy
Titirsha: A desire to swim or cross the sea
Titli: A butterfly, colourful butterfly
Titus: Of the giants, a great defender
Tiulipe: The tulip flower
Tiva: The dance or one who loves to dance
Tivona: Lover of nature
Tivri: Auspicious
Tiwa: One who owns the crown or kingship
Tiwesdaeg: A black haired prince or princess
Tiya: a bird, small and beautiful bird
Tiyanna: Tiyanna is possibly the Jamaican variation of Tiana. It means joy or happiness
Tiyasa: The silver, or a thirsty person
Tiye: The deity of light, an ancient Egyptian queen
Tizane: A gypsy
Tjaša: Name in honour of an early Christian martyr
Tlachinolli: Fire
Tlaco: The middle born daughter.
Tlacotl: The Osier twig
Tlalli: A term meaning earth.
Tlazohtzin: Little necklace of flowers
Tmira: One who is upstanding or upright
Toa: A brave-hearted lady
Toakase: Woman of the sea
Toca: A cap or headgear
Tocara: A friend or beloved of a person with headgear
Tocca: The touch of a person
Toccara: The friendly of beloved touch
Todorka: Bulgarian feminine form of Theodora, meaning gift of God.
Togzhan: One with a pure soul
Toiba: Yiddish word for dove.
Toiya: A victory or a win
Tokhmesarv: One with a stature like a cypress
Tokini: A bird
Tokka: One who is united or joined
Tokori: An owl, one with quality of owls
Tokunbo: One who is from across the seas
Tolinka: The flapping ear of a canine or coyote
Tolla: In Biblical it means worm or grub. In Polish it means prospering
Toltse: Sweet
Toluwalashe: Gods will be done
Tomasa: Twin girl child, also a negro
Tomasina: One of a twin baby girl
Tomeka: A baby girl born as a twin
Tomette: Moderate, trustworthy and tender individual
Tomezin: A kind, affectionate and encouraging perosn
Tomika: A rich or a wealthy person
Tomislava: Torturous glory.
Tomo: Intelligence or a knowledge of a person
Tomoe: A blessing in the form of friend
Tomoko: A friendly or a knowing child
Tona: One who is highly praised and priceless
Tonalnan: Mother of light
Tonantzin: Mother earth or the mother Goddess
Toncka: Beyond praise or highly praiseworthy
Tone: A new thunder or storm
Tong: In Chinesee it is a title given to a public officer. In Ditch it refers to tongue that means a chatterbox
Tonia: Flourishing
Tonica: To the people, something to the race
Tonisha: One who cant be priced
Tonja: One who is precious, priceless
Tonje: One who cant be labelled with a price
Tonka: Croatian form of Antonia. It means worthy of praise.
Tonna: A settlement or a town near the hedge
Tonnie: Who is worth of many praises
Tonya: Priceless
Tooba: Best or excellent or a tree form heaven
Tootega: Old woman deity who could walk on water.
Topacia: A jewel or gemstone
Topanga: A point of meeting or mountain and sea
Topaz: A precious gemstone or jewel
Topsy: On top
Tor Pikai: A girl with black hair
Tora: In Japanese it means a tigress. In Latin it refers to the victor or conqueror. In Norse it refers to Goddess of Thunder.
Torah: To guide or to teach, The holy book of Jews
Toral: A Heroine (folk)
Torhta: Twisted or folded over
Tori: A form of tory
Toriana: A form of tori
Torianna: The conqueror or the victor, a winner
Torie: A form of tori
Toril: A fighting inspired by the thunder God
Torild: The battle or war or Thor
Torill: Thunder God's battle
Torri: A form of tori
Torrie: A form of tori, tory
Torrii: A triumphant person, victorious
Torrin: Who is from the craggy hills