We have created a list of 1489 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter N. This is Page 8 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Nupura: The one who wears anklet.
Nur: Spark, nimble, blaze, dainty.
Nura: The person who gives nimble.
Nurah: The one who gives bright to others.
Nuralain: Brightness, light, radiance or bringer of happiness
Nuralhuda: The light for the right guidance
Nuray: Possessing the brightness as the Moon.
Nurbakyt: Light and happiness
Nureen: Shimmering, shining, glowing.
Nurgul: Radiant rose
Nuria: The Lord of the burning fire.
Nuriah: The Master of the consuming fire.
Nurin: A girl that enlightens the world through her Noor
Nuris: My bright, my nimble or my consuming fire.
Nurit: The plant with full of yellow and red color flowers.
Nuriya: Nimble, brilliant, ecstatic, excellent.
Nuriyah: Radiating nimble or brightness.
Nurjahan: The bright nimble of the whole world.
Nurjamal: The light of the beauty of the person
Nurjenna: The bright light of the heavenly paradise.
Nurlan: Light combined with soldier guard
Nurrin: The first female sibling or the eldest sister in the family.
Nursulu: Light, illumination
Nuru: Light
Nurul: Bright, nimble, sunlit, sunny.
Nuryn: The bright light or nimble.
Nusa: The merciful lady or graceful woman.
Nusaiba: Suitable, correct, accurate, moral.
Nusaibah: Ancient name in Arabian language.
Nusayba: A noble person who is an appropriate one
Nusaybah: The one who possess upright and honourable blood line.
Nushi: Sweetened or sugary.
Nusreta: Victory or help
Nutan: New or fresh
Nuthan: The fresh one or the new one.
Nuti: Devotion, tribute, admiration, bond.
Nuveena: Special and wise leader.
Nuvua: "This fictional name was featured in the movie ""The Journey Home""."
Nuwa: The founder and the creator of the whole universe.
Nuwaira: The petal of the beautiful flowers.
Nuwairah: Tiny flower, little fire, graceful, glow.
Nuwayrah: The very small fire place.
Nuwwar: The flourishing flowers or blossoms.
Nuwwara: Pretty flowers and fresh buds.
Nuwwarrah: The pretty blooming flowers.
Nuzar: The person who is very clear as gold.
Nuzha: Preference trip or outing spot
Nuzhah: Desirable trip or expedition spot.
Nweh: A person who appears bright. Lucid and clear.
Nya: A friend, a companion
Nyaguthii: A traveler
Nyah: Means the replica or form of a sweet called "Modak" offered to a Hindu deity Ganesha.
Nyaja: An inspired and a guardian angel
Nyakio: A Spanish variant of Mother or womb.
Nyala: Spanish version of Modest that means not boasting about one self.
Nyambura: Born of the rain.
Nyanjera: Born on the way.
Nyankomago: The second child after twins.
Nyarai: French version of the word modest means not praising self.
Nyasha: Italian and Portuguese version of modest that means not bragging one's achievement.
Nyasia: Latin version of the word Modest that means a decency.
Nyathera: The quality of being modest. A moderate of reserve behaviour.
Nyawira: One who is hard working.
Nycole: A Sanskrit word that refers to someone pleasing. Someone who brings satisfaction.
Nydia: An alert person, a watchful specially for danger or disorder.
Nyein: Quiet, calmness
Nyeki: A new growth of the plant, a recently grown plant.
Nyela: A caring person, a guardian. One who defend others.
Nyesha: A Tupi word to a sweet person.
Nyimbo: An Arabic word one who gives respect and honour others.
Nyla: The one who is humble and meek.
Nylah: Something that she can achieve easily
Nymeria: A warrior queen
Nympha: A person who posses love for others. Infatuated toward others.
Nymphadora: A beloved young girl, an adorable young girl, a virgin martyr
Nymphodora: Bride or nymph
Nyneve: An Urdu word to the girl,lady who narrates holy saying of the Prophet Muhammad.
Nynyue: An entertaining, noble and kind person
Nyoka: A person who infatuates others. To whom others been attracted.
Nyokabi: Of the Maasai people.
Nyoko: Combination of two Sanskrit words "Moha" means infatuation and "Mad" means intoxicated. Thus, it means intoxicated in infatuation.
Nyoma: Spell variant of Arabic word Mohammed that means glorified person.
Nyree: The most praised person. The most graceful. of the Islamic Prophet.
Nysa: the followers of the Islamic Prophet Mohammad.
Nyssa: the contentment with Mohammad. The state of being satisfied with Mohammad.
Nysse: Spell variant of Mohammad that means the graceful of all.
Nyunt: Blossom
Nyura: Graceful, a girl who is graceful.
Nyx: The one who is charming and fascinating. Also the of Hindu deity Lord Krishna