We have created a list of 1489 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter N. This is Page 7 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Nitya: One who is forever, eternal
Nitya sundara: The eternal beauty
Nitya-sundara: Never-lasting beauty
Nityasundar: the beauty that never fades
Nityasundara: The beauty that never comes to an end
Nitza: Blossoming of flowers
Nitzah: One who blossom
Niu: A girl, a young girl, cute
Niva: To talk or the expressions of talking
Nivea: Snow-white or the fresh snow
Nivedita: One who is surrendered to God
Nivedya: An offering make to God
Niverta: Bliss, extreme happiness or joy
Nives: Snowy
Nivi: Maiden or girl
Niviarsiaq: A girl, a female child
Nividh: An information about something
Nivriti: Bliss, last stage of happiness
Nivritti: renunciation of sorrows
Nivruti: The retirement from life
Nivrutti: The separation from world
Nixie: A small sprite of water
Niya: The aim or desire of something
Niyaf: A tall and pretty girl
Niyath: The intentions or the aim or someone
Niyati: Destiny or the luck
Niyilolawa: The wealth is here.
Niyla: A winner of a gracious personality
Niyoosha: A patient listener, a careful listener
Niyyat: A person's intentions
Nizah: One who blossom
Nizana: A blossom or a bud of flower
Nizha: A delightful, clean or cleanliness
Nizhoni: A beautiful girl, full of grace
Niđara: She who is loved by all.
Njeri: Daughter of a warrior.
Njoki: She who returned.
Njood: Highland or the plateaus
Nkechi: The precious treasure from God.
Nkechinyere: God's pleasure which came to this world.
Nkiru: Once more God will provide the excellent gift.
Nkiruka: God will give me something ever best once again.
Nneka: My mother is the best in the world.
Nnenia: The one who looks same as her grand mother.
Nnenna: The one who is fond of her dad's mum.
Nnenne: Resembles mother's mother.
Noa: Undertaking or wave program or indication.
Noah: Relaxation, restful, harmony, calm.
Noam: Loveliness or satisfaction.
Noami: My happy and my content.
Nochtli: Prickly pear fruit
Nocturne: Music evoking night.
Noe: Relaxation or harmony or concord.
Noela: Happy Christmas season.
Noelani: Fog from paradise.
Noelia: Delightful Christmas time.
Noella: Happy or full of joy Christmas season.
Noelle: Birthday of Christ Jesus.
Noemi: Agreeable nature or enjoyableness.
Noemia: Portuguese accent of Naomi (pleasantness)
Noemie: Agreeableness or satisfaction.
Nogah: Attractive and beautiful lady.
Nogga: Poised and graceful individual
Nogge: A person who is quick minded and fertile
Noha: Thoughtful or kind or accepting.
Nohealani: Prettiest woman from paradise.
Nohely: Christ birthday.
Nohemi: Lovely or wonderful or enjoyable.
Nohreen: One who is glittering brightly
Noirin: Respectful or honest or decent.
Nojood: Intelligent or knowledge, possess excellent skills.
Nojoud: The increase in the intelligence or knowledge
Nokomis: Dearest daughter who looks pretty as the moon.
Nola: The one who has fair complexion.
Nolcha: Reflects the shining sun.
Noleen: Christ was born on Christmas day.
Nolene: Beautiful and fairer in color.
Noleta: Loath , unwilling, hesitant.
Nolicia: A strong resemblance wit olive tree
Nolwenn: Unpolluted one from Noal.
Noma: Cultivator or farmer or sample or model.
Nomalanga: Brilliant or sunshine light.
Noman: Domination or authority or command.
Nomasonto: Who was delivered or received on Sunday.
Nombeko: Regard, respect, admiration.
Nomeda: A girl from the forest
Nomi: Fundamental or basic.
Nomsa: Marvelous and hallowed person.
Nomusa: The one who looks like an eagle.
Nomuula: Who is like unto Yahweh (Unchanging God)
Nomy: There is none like the creator of this world.
Nona: There is none like the great God.
Noni: Hungarian form of Michael, the angel of God
Nonie: Earnest and tribute.
Nonnie: Who is like the creator of the world
Nontle: The ruler of the deep sea.
Noomi: The biggest star of the space (Sun)
Noor: The greatest star ever in the universe (Sun)
Noor-jehan: The pledge and promise.
Noora: The name of a famous poet.
Noorah: Who is like unto the powerful God.
Nooralhaya: Discontent towards authority, the one who is resisting control, disagreeable taste
Noorali: Who can stand equal to the most high God.
Nooraniyah: In Hebrew, it means a gift from the Almighty. In Japanese, it means the beautiful fragrance.
Noorien: A person who help others
Noorin: A short form of "Moder" which means mother.
Noorjahan: A person who posses knowledge and gives knowledge, a teacher.
Nooruddunya: The bright light of the universe.
Noorulbasar: Excellent, excessive, countless, boundless.
Noorunnisa: The brightness of the womankind.
Noosha: Entertaining and pleasurable damsel.
Nophar: A individual who is filled with happines
Nora: The person who is possessing righteousness and brightness.
Norabel: The person who is graceful and moral.
Norah: The person who is possessing the quality of honourable.
Noralyn: The person who is wonderful and decency.
Norayr: A divine and glittering light
Norberta: The superwoman from the northern part of the land.
Noreen: The person who is uprightness and sunlit.
Noreena: The person who is graceful and decency.
Noreenah: Resembling delicious food item.
Norell: From the northern land or part.
Norella: The lady who is possessing integrity and honesty.
Norene: The person who is entitled to honour and admiration.
Nori: The person who is resembling good moralities and principalities.
Noriko: Commandments, instructions, rules, regulations.
Norina: The shining and sparkling one, worthy and upright.
Norine: The one who is upright and righteous.
Norioghene: Look at God's judgment
Norita: Tradition, law, act, decree.
Norla: A person who is poised and reserved
Norlene: Spirit is my nimble, compassion, misfortune.
Normandy: One of the provinces in France.
Norwood: The soldier at the northern entrance.
Noshaba: Energetic water which is highly necessary to live in this world.
Nosheen: Honeyed and sweet smelling.
Noshi: Honeyed, sweetened, sugary.
Notekyn: Name od a stated, snow clas and filled with light
Nouf: The utmost point of a hill.
Nour: The person who has superfluous in whole things.
Noura: Glittering light.
Noureddine: The radiance of hope.
Noureen: The bright shining light.
Nourin: one who have a divine light
Nousha: Honeyed, sugary, sweet flavoured.
Noushafarin: Initiator of joy and bliss.
NoushAfrin: The creator of joy
Noushin: Honeyed and sweet smelling.
Noushineh: A musical tone of old Persian music.
Nova: Youth and fresh
Novalee: Fresh greenly pasture.
Novalie: A recent beginner
Novara: the fresh or new Youth
Novella: Beginner or Fresher.
November: Came to this world in the month of November.
Novia: New comer to the family.
Now: The new or the recent one
Nowa: Bight and powerful nimble.
Nox: Dark period or gloomy and dusky night.
Noxolo: One who is passive and diplomatic.
Noya: Adorable and pretty as rose floret.
Nozomi: Reliable, dependable, trust worthy.
Nsombi: Full of happiness or complete gladness.
Ntozake: One who has her own things, Lion's pride
Nu: Affectionate and caring girl.
Nu'aymah: The reporter of the Hadith.
Nuaim: The person who is gentle and forgiving.
Nuala: The one who has fair or pure shoulders.
Nuan: The person who is very friendly with wholehearted.
Nubia: The one who resembles golden treasures.
Nuboogh: Space or reputation
Nud: A generous and expressive human being
Nudar: The precious and valuable daughter.
Nudara: Talented and most valuable chid of parents.
Nudhar: The one how is a priceless child to her parents.
Nudoora: Well celebrated regarding exceptional.
Nudra: The person not widely known.
Nudrat: The quality of being one of a kind.
Nuen: An individual who has high standards
Nufaisa: Daughter of Munyah
Nufaysah: The one who arranged the marriage of Prophet Mohammed and Sayyidah Khadijah.
Nuha: The person who is having excellent knowledge and skills.
Nuhaa: The one who is possessing best talents and skills on her own.
Nujan: The highest stage of development.
Nujat: Shelter or well being or protection.
Nujood: A person promoted to the higher rank
Nujud: Promotion or high class or clearness.
Nuka: The youngest and last daughter in the family.
Nukilik: One who is strong
Nuliajuk: A woman with a fin.
Nulpi: White flower, as beautiful as white flower.
Numa: Reaching the desired condition or final condition.
Nunah: Property, land dwelling, land living.
Nuniq: Nuniq is a form of Nanuq, a fictional name featured in the film "Nanook of the North". It means polar bear.
Nunzia: The one who carries good messages.
Nunziatina: The one who brings announcements.
Nuo: Elegant, merciful and kind hearted.
Nuon: Soft and tender
Nupoor: An anklet that gives a pleasant sound while walking
Nupur: The one who wears the anklet around her ankle.