We have created a list of 1489 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter N. This is Page 6 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Nigella: The name of the flower, one of the floras.
Nighat: Bouquet, fragrance, cologne, Image, eyesight
Nightingale: A bird that sings melodiously
Nightshade: A poisonous purple flower
Nigisti: A queen of an empire
Nihab: Summit, unusual, treasurable.
Nihada: Character, temper
Nihara: Steep descent of water of a river, waterfall.
Nihari: Descent, attractive girl
Niharika: The one who looks very attractive.
Nihel: Talents, presents, awards, gifts.
Nihinsa: One who is innocent
Nihla: Talented, skilful, precious.
Niina: Exhibiting courtesy and politeness.
Nij: By his own, gratitude, grateful.
Nijah: A beautiful rose.
Nijaza: Wish or need
Nijhu: The period after sunset and before sunrise.
Nijole: The people who always conquest success.
Niju: Scholar, obfuscator, doctrinaire, obscurantist.
Nika: The one who is for God's purpose.
Nikaia: One with a victory
Nikaio: Who belongs to Daimyo, Japan
Nikara: Assembly, gathering, group, crew.
Nike: The deity of champ, the spirit of success.
Nikeah: One who wins a war
Nikeisha: Resembling the cinnamon tree.
Nikeiza: Jesus Christ in the triumph of the world.
Nikephoros: Carrying victory
Niketa: Failed, Unproductive, Vain, Ineffective.
Nikhazia: A triumphant woman
Nikhila: Widespread, worldwide, general, complete.
Nikhit: High-pitched, piercing, harsh, severe.
Nikhita: Ecosphere, domain, ecosphere, universe.
Niki: The title winner of the nation.
Nikia: The victor of the people.
Nikira: The victorious human
Nikita: Unbeatable, supreme, invincible, indomitable.
Nikkie: The people of triumph.
Nikkol: The spirit of victory on behalf of nation.
Nikkos: The winner among humans
Nikky: The conqueror of the nation.
Nikole: The person who is honest and fine looking.
Nikoleta: The person who is straightforward.
Nikolett: The person who is ingenuous.
Nikolette: The person who is innocent.
Nikolina: One who achieves victory for people
Nikoo: The most dearly one.
Nikou: The most dearly one.
Nila: Who is like Yaweh
Nilah: Leader of the heaven's army.
Nilakshi: The one who has blue kind of eyes.
Nilam: Resembling the color of light shade of blue.
Nilambari: The pleasant blue sky
Nilani: The charming and fascinating Moon.
Nilaprabha: Blue shine, blue gloss, blue gleam, blue sparkle.
Nilar: Sapphire
Nilaruna: The first nimble of the sunset evening.
Nilasha: The sapphire or full of blue colors.
Nilashri: Loveliness or attractiveness of blue color.
Nilavany: A Gorgeous Girl, good looking
Nilaya: House or patch or habitation or domestic or homestead.
Nilda: The one who is prepared for clash.
Nili: The eternal God of Israel will never lie.
Nilima: The goddess blue, lover of blue.
Nilini: The winner or champion of the Kuru race.
Nilkamal: Sapphire lotus or blue color lotus flowers.
Nilkanta: A bluish shaded color, shining blue color.
Nilmini: An ambitious woman.
Nilofar: The lilies which blooming in the water ponds or rivers or lakes.
Nilofer: Lilly flowers that flourishing in the water places.
Niloofar: A beautiful flower of Lily
Nilothpala: The lotus floras that resembling as blue colors.
Niloufar: The lily floras which are prospering in the water ponds.
Niloufer: Saintly, holy, Godly, spiritually, heavenly.
Nilsa: Defender or titleholder or champ or winner
Nilshikha: The top or peak or uppermost part of the blue hills.
Nilufar: The lily flower that grows in the lakes or ponds.
Nilukshi: A self-expressive woman.
Nima: Sanctification or benediction or consecration or blessing.
Nimaat: Sanction or dedication or benediction.
Nimah: The one who was born during wealthy time.
Nimala: She who is creative.
Nimali: An independent woman.
Nimat: A person who is personally blessed by almighty
Nimatuallah: Who is like unto the most high Yahweh.
Nimatullah: The person who put up with somebody unpleasant.
Nimay: The natural stream of water.
Nimeesha: The dearest angel of the God
Nimeeta: One who is permanent and fixed
Nimi: A friend of fire who has sparkling eyes
Nimiane: The Lady of the Lake
Nimisha: Who will be in same image as God
Nimita: Messenger of God.
Nimmi: One who has sparkling eyes and shines
Nimmia: The precious talent from the most high place.
Nimrah: The angel of the Almighty
Nimrat: The one who carries God's message.
Nimrata: The large river.
Nimthaki: One who is logical and sane.
Nimue: Arthurian legends of the lady from the lake
Nin: Sapphire
Nina: The precious talent from the most high God.
Ninarika: The God's Angel
Ninette: The valuable talent from God.
Nineve: The God's beloved angel
Ninfa: Beloved Angel of the God
Ningrat: Noble
Ningrum: Inside the soul.
Ningsih: With love
Nini: Momentary and excellent industry.
Niniane: Ash, one who always rises up
Ninon: The one who has to be worshipped.
Ninson: Name of Gilgamesh's mother.
Ninwa: Capital of Assyria
Niobe: Tribute or inspiration.
Nipa: The formal expression of praise.
Nipabithi: Mildness, tenderness, calmness.
Nipeksha: Father of Seetha devi.
Nipo: The Lord Indira, who is the monarch of paradise.
Nipuna: Three way division.
Nipuni: An intelligent woman
Niquole: The brightness of the light.
Nira: Alive, lifetime, survival, income, path of life.
Niradhara: The one who is a self starter, not in need of help from others.
Nirahankara: The person who does not have the inflated feeling of pride in their superiority.
Nirakula: The one who is without nervousness, tension and distress.
Niral: The person who has balance and control mind under distress.
Nirali: One who is marked by dissimilarity.
Niramayee: One who is wholesome, fresh, unpolluted and spotless.
Niranjana: Full moon night or spiritual Lord Dhurga or one of the river's name.
Niranjani: Personification of warmth or temperature.
Nirargala: The one who is not prevented or slowed.
Niratapa: The dark time or period or place or nightfall.
Nirbhau: The one who is without scare, afraid, fear or panic.
Nirbheda: The one without variation or separation.
Nirendranath: One of the provinces in France.
Nirja: Name of a sanskrit flower, Lotus
Nirmanyu: The soldier at the northern entrance.
Nirmeet: Energetic water which is highly necessary to live in this world.
Nirmesh: Honeyed and sweet smelling.
Nirmla: Honeyed, sweetened, sugary.
Nirogi: The utmost point of a hill.
Niroshen: A bright divine light
Niruban: Glittering light.
Niruja: The radiance of hope.
Nirup: The bright shining light.
Nirupama: one who have a divine light
Nirupesh: Honeyed, sugary, sweet flavoured.
Nirush: Initiator of joy and bliss.
Nirut: Honeyed and sweet smelling.
Nirvair: Youth and fresh
Nirval: Fresh greenly pasture.
Nirvan: A recent beginner
Nirvana: the fresh or new Youth
Nirvash: Beginner or Fresher.
Nirved: Came to this world in the month of November.
Nirvi: New comer to the family.
Nirvikalpa: The new or the recent one
Nirvikar: Bight and powerful nimble.
Nisang: Dark period or gloomy and dusky night.
Nisar: One who is passive and diplomatic.
Nisbet: Adorable and pretty as rose floret.
Nisbett: Reliable, dependable, trust worthy.
Nishani: A sign to remember something
Nishat: the liveliness of a person
Nishay: The night, dark time
Nishi: Growing stronger and stronger
Nishika: The garden full of Lotus flowers
Nishita: The peaceful time.
Nishithini: The quite time of midnight
Nishka: Out of night, honest
Nishkalanka: A honest and pure person
Nishkama: The honest work without selfishness
Nishkarana: Self-less reason
Nishma: One who brings light, bright person
Nisho: A rare or precious one
Nishpara: Limitless or boundless person
Nishtar: A sharp knife used as surgical equipment
Nishtha: Devotion or faith towards God
Nishwan: A champion from heaven
Nisreen: An plant full of aroma
Nisrin: An aromatic plant
Nisrina: A girl who is aromatic as a flower
Nissa: The lady or a female
Nistula: One who cant be compared
Nisveta: Bosnian term for woman.
Nita: In Hindi it means moral or faithful person. In Spanish it means God's gift.
Nitali: A girl who is full of Grace, God is giving
Nitara: One who have the deep roots
Nithi: Truth, justice, good behaviour
Nithya: The ethical path
Nithyan: The right or ethical path
Niti: A well-behaved person
Nitika: One who follows the moral values
Nitina: An ethical girl, full of moral values
Nitra: To cut or to burn. Name of a river
Nitsa: Peace. One who spread peace
Nitu: Eternal one who reaches the eternity
Nituna: A daughter, Dearest daughter