We have created a list of 1489 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter N. This is Page 5 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Neith: Standing high above others.
Neja: Success in Law.
Nejla: A vast peer of the realm.
Nejra: Sparkle or shine
Nek: The one who is rich in knowledge and wisdom.
Nekane: The hill near Mekkah.
Nekdeep: The oceanic mountain.
Nekdel: A person with a good heart.
Nekhii: Sheepskin
Nekinder: The one who likes the water of the sea.
Nekisha: A dearly loved person. Loved by all.
Nekjeet: Table. one of the furniture.
Nekjot: Born under the emblem of Aries.
Neko: The butter made from the Sheep's milk.
Nekroop: The one who is chose by or as if by divine intervention.
Nel: Being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series.
Nela: Enjoying or marked by joy or pleasure
Nelam: A heavenly damsel from Hindu mythology
Nelda: The grain of the fenugreek shrub.
Nele: Laying eggs in the sand
Neleh: Beautiful light
Nelia: Having or wielding force or authority
Neliah: The gift or present from the town
Nelida: The person who is massive in the combat
Nelinha: The gem in the ocean.
Nell: The glittering pearl.
Nella: Gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Nellaiah: An adorable girl, very attractive
Nelle: The person who provides brightness.
Nelley: The person who knows about the reality.
Nelli: the person who rules over the seas.
Nellia: The bright and attractive girl
Nellie: The most good looking and attractive woman in the world.
Nellis: The one who is most bright and shining as light.
Nellwyn: The one who is very close to Nellie's heart.
Nelly: The most stunning and gorgeous woman.
Nelta: Woman who came from near the sea
Nelwin: The joyful or delightful mate.
Nelwina: Positive and lively buddy.
Nelwyn: Daughter of the winner.
Nelwyna: Merry and smiling friend.
Nemain: A spirited women or a Goddess in Irish mythology
Nemesis: Spirit of revenge or retribution.
Nemyra: A person from the noble family
Nena: Sweet little girl, the favourite great grand daughter.
Nenet: The person who is spiritual and divine.
Nenetl: Doll
Nennia: Who belongs to the northern areas
Neo: The talented one or skilled one.
Neola: Fresh or starter or original.
Neoma: The person same like the fresh moon.
Neomi: Niceness, Satisfaction, Enjoyableness, Agreeableness.
Neomonni: The group of suspended water droplets.
Neona: The one who is sparkling as the moon.
Neorah: Shining as a bright light.
Nephele: Full of clouds or filled with water droplets.
Nephthys: Lady of boundaries of temples.
Nequoyah: A sserious, independent and wonderful being
Nera: Candle, the one who always gives light to others.
Nerea: The one who has own the proprietorship.
Nereida: The fairy or spirit from the ocean or sea.
Neri: The shining nimble or the deity of the sea.
Neria: The nimble from God, divine Angel.
Neriah: The shining light of the most high God.
Nerice: The one who was born at the seashore.
Nerida: Sea goblin or sea gnome.
Nerilly: Lilies of the spirit of seas
Nerina: The ELF or spirit from the ocean.
Nerine: The fairy or Fay from the Sea.
Nerisha: That can reveal hidden treasure
Nerissa: One who can tell hidden treasures
Nerita: Dwarf from the water.
Nermana: Hero
Nermina: A variant of Nermana, meaning hero.
Neroli: The flower which is orange in color.
Nerthus: Spirit of lushness or richness.
Nerute: A polite, easy going and fun loving person
Nerys: Woman, female, damsel.
Nes: A gentle person, from the headland
Nesayem: Blossom, floret, bud, bloom.
Nesham: Cheerfulness, glad, blissful, content.
Neshama: Life force or inner self.
Neshat: Pleased, exultant, glad, joyful, contented
Nesita: The poor, chaste of pure
Neslihan: Cheerful woman or blissful woman.
Ness: Enchanted, surprise, emblem, ensign
Nessa: Peninsulas, outcrop, point, cliff.
Nessarose: The rose of the peninsula
Nessie: The young sheep or the flesh of a young sheep.
Nest: Welsh accent of Agnes (pure or virginal)
Nesta: Wholesome, clean, unpolluted, unalloyed.
Nestan: Unique
Nestani: A form of Nestan, meaning unique
Neta: Plants, flowers, scrub, floras, bushes
Netanya: Gift of God
Netis: The one who is reliable and dependable.
Netra: The one who has shining eyes.
Netraranjana: Something that makes the eyes prettier.
Netravati: The one who has nice looking eyes.
Netta: Gate, shrubberies, trees, wilds, planting.
Nettie: Pure, dirt less, unpolluted, spotless.
Netty: God has shown his kindness upon me.
Neugeanie: The newcomer to the family or freshly delivered.
Neva: The layer of snowflakes.
Nevaeh: The backward spelling of Heaven.
Nevanthi: A spiritual lady, holy lady
Neve: The ice crystals which are falling from the clouds.
Neveah: Abide of God and the Angels.
Nevena: Showy yellow or orange flowers.
Nevenka: Marigold
Neves: Small ice flakes fall from white clouds.
Neveyah: A fortune -teller
Neviah: The one who can foretells the future things.
Nevila: The newly established town
Nevina: The one who prises the saint.
Nevindie: She who enjoys law or abides by law.
Nevinka: She who enjoys law
Nevish: The one who is much important to God as his breathe.
Newat: The person who is excellent in handling with left hand.
Newlyn: From the shrine of Saint Newelina.
Neylan: The person who accomplished the desires.
Neysha: The night or a time of night
Neža: Short form of Agnes, meaning 'pure'.
Ngahuia: An exotic person who can sing
Ngaio: The image or mirror image on the water places.
Ngaire: A silver-colored fern
Ngendo: A traveler
Ngina: One who serves
Ngoc: Valuable gem stone or expensive diamond.
Ngozi: Dedication, benediction, dedication, consecration.
Ngozichukwuka: God's blessings are best.
Nguyet: The goddess of moon or the lady of the new moon.
Nhally: An understanding, studious and siligent person
Nhi: The small one or the tiny one.
Nhu: Soft, mild, harmony, passive, concord.
Nhung: Look a lot like velvet.
Ni'ja: Variation of Nijae (Bend nose shape)
Ni'mah: The talent from Allah (God)
Ni'mat: Dedications, credits, benediction, advances, dedication, lends.
Nia: Illumination, Prettiness, Determination
Niabi: A color or pigment varying around a light grey brown color.
Niagh: An aim or a purpose
Nialla: Supporter, supporter, winner, campaigner.
Niamara: A sweet and sugary girl
Niamh: The cleverness or positiveness.
Niana: Name of an African city in Mali
Niauppama: A beautiful of pleasant person
Niawbrawaka: A truthful and kind human being
Niazmina: A girl who dear one or apple of the eye
Nibaal: The mark to indicate the direction.
Nibal: The mark to specify the relation.
Nibha: Not unlike, comparable, alike, switch off
Nicasia: Victorious lady, champion damsel, woman overcomer.
Niccolò: The success belongs to the people.
Niccole: The success of the nation.
Niceta: The victorious one.
Nichaela: A winner or a victorious one
Nichele: Blend of Nichole (victory of people) and Michelle (gift from God)
Nichelle: The great champion among the women.
Nichola: The people's hero.
Nicholaa: The person who always protect the people.
Nichole: Vanquisher of the nation.
Nicholina: One who always wins
Nicholl: A triumphant person
Nicholle: Subjugator of the people.
Nickee: The triumphant or defeater.
Nicki: Conqueror of the people or crowd.
Nicol: The feat of the crowd.
Nicola: The defender of the people.
Nicolaa: The protector of the people
Nicolae: The person who always care for his own people.
Nicolasa: The people who win the title winner.
Nicolaus: The triumphant winner
Nicolay: The people who always win
Nicole: The winning people.
Nicolene: The people who always win the winner title.
Nicolet: People of victory. A variation of Nicole.
Nicoleta: Title winner of the nation.
Nicoletta: The champions of the warriors
Nicolette: The champ of the people.
Nicolien: The people who are a champion
Nicolina: The winning people.
Nicoline: The one who is defending on behalf of the people.
Nicoll: A Dominican Republic spelling for Nicole. It means victorious people.
Nicolle: The one who is fighting for the multitude.
Nicolo: The winner among all
Nida: The one who stays in prayers.
Nidhipa: The precious thing from God.
Nidia: Disposed to bestow favours.
Nidra: Spirit of sleep.
Niel: The good news from God.
Nienke: Frisian form of Katherine. It means pure.
Niesha: The one who is still alive and doing extremely well.
Nieu: A pure or spotless girl
Nieva: The one who is spotless and unpolluted.
Nieve: Bight light or shining nimble.
Nieves: White snow flakes fall from the sky.
Nigah: Appearance, peek, view, safekeeping, attention
Nigar: Gorgeous, Photograph, portrayal, beloved
Nigarish: One who's always on the mind, vision, or fantasy.