We have created a list of 1468 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter B. This is Page 8 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Bryony: To be full of virtue
Bubley: One who is from Babylon. A surname
Buddhika: He who is clever and wise.
Budhana: One who is aware, one who is elighted
Budhila: She who has been awakened
Budiwati: The wise one
Buduc: One who wears a ribbon
Budur: The time of the Full Moon
Buena: One with good nature
Buffy: She who is pledged to the God
Buhairah: She who is the sea, the ocen and the river
Buhaisah: One who walks around with pride
Buhaysah: A woman who narrates Hadith
Buhayyah: Name of a freed female slave.
Buhjah: A joyful and delighted person
Buhthah: A person who is delighteted to see others
Buj: A person like a lotus flower
Bujaybah: A narrator and the ne who transmitted
Bukhdan: Something that's sleek, smooth and tender.
Bula: A married woman
Bulah: She who is a bride
Bulan: A moon and the month in indonesian
Bulbul: A woman who is like a nightingale
Bullah: A beautiful glow of the youth
Bumma: On of carefree and free spirit
Bun: To tie hair int a knot
Bunanah: Name of Yazid Al-Abshamiyah's daughter.
Bunda: One with a furcoat
Bunga: Flower
Bunme: A gift that is mine
Bunmi: To be my gift
Bunnie: She brings victory to men
Bunny: To be like a little rabbit
Bunty: From the rhyme about the baby bunting
Buqayrah: Name of a female narrator of Hadith.
Bura: She is like a sea storm
Burakhdat: A woman who is flashy
Burcu: A sweet smelling woman
Burdah: A dutiful worshipper
Burdette: A girl who is like a little bird
Burgwenta: A strong lady
Burhumat: A girl gentle as a flowerbud
Burnett: A woman of brown hair
Burnice: A woman who brings victory
Burum: A woman like a flower blossom
Burzin Kurush: High rank or high status.
Busaina: A little pretty and delightful one
Busara: African-Swahili - Wisdom, Prudence; Sense; Foresight
Busarakham: Yellow sapphire
Busayna: A gorgeous little lady
Busayo: Add to the joy.
Busayrah: Someone's female companion
Bushra: One who bring the happy news
Busrah: She was Prophet's companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah.
Bustan: She is like an orchard
Busyna: A worshiper and ascetic of Basrah
Buthainah: A woman with tender and beautiful body
Buthayna: A gorgeous and tender body f a woman
Buthaynah: A lady with tender and pretty body
Byanca: A white, shinning woman
Byna: A name means sabine
Byni: A Roman cognomen meaning Sabine
Byota: An ecology of the place. The flora and fauna
Byrdene: She is a little bird
Byrdie: To be like a little bird
Byrganym: The one lady or queen
Byrtel: One who is like a flowering shrub
Byue: A man who is like a slow, small stream of water