We have created a list of 1468 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter B. This is Page 7 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Brierly: A woman of ashes
Bríet: Icelandic form of Bridget, meaning the exalted one.
Brietta: One who is a strong female
Brigetta: A very strong female
Brigette: She is a strong woman
Brighde: A powerful and strong woman
Brighid: A firm and strong woman
Brighton: A place name in Britain, a village near the bridge
Brigid: A Celtic goddess of poetry and fire
Brigida: A strong, firm, healthy woman
Brigit: A woman who is exalted
Brigita: A woman who is ascending
Brigitt: An woman who is ascneding in life
Brigitta: A fiery, poetic, exalted woman
Brigitte: A solid, firm, strong woman
Brigthwyna: A strong girl
Brihannala: A person who is important
Brihctiua: An indicative, materialistic and versatile person
Brihteue: A unique individual who can speak out the heart
Brihtgiua: A person who is a desire system and maintains order
Brija: A Hindu name meaning seed
Brijabala: The nature's daughter
Brilane: One who is from the Brigham Lane
Brilee: A noble man from the woodland meadow
Brileigh: A made up name from Brianna and Riley. Means A strong and a brave person
Briley: One who is like a briar wood
Brill: He is from the land of hills. A surname
Brille: My strenght is my God
Brilliana: A name Lord Conway made up for his daughter
Brilliant: A shining and glowing appereance
Brilynn: A female name, a woman who shines
Brin: One who is from the hill
Brina: He who is a defender of people
Brinda: Goddess Radha
Brinkley: One who comes from the Brinca's Field
Brinn: She is high and noble
Brinxlee: An english female name, very rare
Briona: A woman of many virtues
Brione: A name of the vine that is used for healing
Brioni: A flowering vine used for medicine
Brionna: A vine used in folk medicine
Brionne: A flowering wine used in folk medicne for healing
Briony: A name of flowering plant used for healing in folk medicine
Brisa: She is like a breeze
Brise�s: A name of Achilie's lover in Illiad
Briseida: A bristling woman
Briseis: Daughter of Bris, Slave of Achilles
Brisen: A name of an enchantress
Brisingamen: Freya's necklace.
Bristi: She is like a rain
Brita: A strong woman. Can also mean one who is from Britain
Britain: A place name. One who is from Britain
Britainy: A woman from Britain
Britane: One who is from an ancient Bretagne in France
Britanee: She is from Britain
Britaney: A girl who lives in Britain
Britani: A little one who is from Britain
Britanie: One from little Britain
Britanii: A British woman
Britanni: A woman from the island of Britain
Britannia: An island of Britain
Britannie: One who is from an island of Britain
Britanny: One from the British island
Britany: A girl from British lands
Brite: A british person
Britenee: One from an ancient Bretagne province in France
Briteny: A british girl
Britheue: A girly English name
Britheva: She who lives in Britain
Brithiva: One whose roots are from Britain
Brithrethe: A name of the girl from Britain
Brithwen: A bright and clear frined
Briti: To have strenght
Britianey: A girl with British origins
Britinee: She is British
Britini: A woman from Little Britain
Britkney: To be from Britain
Britlee: A varian from Brittney, meanin one from Britain
Britley: One who is from the british lands
Britlyn: To live on the lands of Britain
Britlynn: Her home are the British lands
Britnay: One from ancien Bretagne province
Britne: She is of british origins
Britnea: A woman whose origins are from British lands
Britnee: To come from Briton, a region in France
Britnei: She is from Briton
Britney: Derived from former province in France, from Breton
Britni: One from former nothen French Province
Britnie: A woman who is from the Little Britain
Britny: She is from little Britain
Britnye: A little woman from Britain
Briton: A man from Britain
Britta: She is of strenght
Brittain: A place name, an island of Britain
Brittainey: She is very British
Brittainie: A person who is very British
Brittainny: A British one
Brittane: A Brit woman
Brittanee: One who acts British
Brittaney: She is a British girl
Brittani: She is a British woman
Brittania: A land of British people
Brittanie: She comes from the British lands
Brittannee: Her home is Britain
Brittanni: Woman from the lands of Britain
Brittannie: To be British
Brittanny: She is a true British woman
Brittany: She was born on the island of Britain
Brittanye: A lady from Britain
Brittanyne: A woman who comes from Britain
Brittenay: A girl from Britain
Brittenee: She is a girl of Britain
Britteneee: A woman whose home is in Britain
Britteney: A lady who came from Britain
Brittenie: She who is from Britain
Britteny: A female who is from Britain
Brittiani: A person whose homeland is Britain
Brittianni: Britain is her homeland
Brittiany: A woman of British origin
Brittine: One with britsh roots
Brittinee: A woman of British roots
Brittiney: A girl with British roots
Brittini: One who comes from Britain
Brittinni: One who is from Little Britain
Brittiny: A young girl from Little Britain
Brittknee: A british girl name
Brittnay: She who comes from Britain
Brittnaye: A woman who came from Britain
Brittne: She whose roots are from Britain
Brittnea: A woman of British lands
Brittnee: She who belongs to Britain
Brittnei: The beutiful lands of Britain
Brittneigh: A woman who is british
Brittney: A young girl from Britain
Brittni: A girl of British heritage
Brittnie: Of British heritage
Brittny: She who is of British heritage
Brittnye: A woman of British heritage
Brittyne: A woman who is Britain native
Brjamohana: One who is an universaly attractive and beautiful person
Broca: A Badger-like person
Brocky: The feahers that come from over the hill
Brolice: A tought woman
Brolin: To make a pladge
Bromel: A woman from a little broom meadow
Bromleah: A girl from the meadow covered with broom
Brona: A brown-haired or dark-haired woman
Bronagh: A sorrow woman
Bronislava: Glorious protector. A form of Branislava.
Bronislawa: A woman who protects the glory
Bronnen: A rush
Bronte: She is like a tunder
Bronwen: A white breasted woman
Bronwyn: A woman fith fair, white breast
Bronx: A place name. A land that belongs to Bronck.
Bronya: A woman who gives protection
Bronze: A coppery-brown color
Brook: One who lives near a brook or a stream
Brookelle: A woman from the stream
Brookelynne: A woman who comes from the brook
Brooklyn: A stream of water, a brook
Brooklynn: A woman from the water stream
Brooklynne: A girl from the stream
Brooksie: A little one from the water stream
Brucey: One who comes from the brushwood thicket
Brula: Pearl
Bruna: A brown-haired woman
Brunhild: Like battle armor, Dark; Noble
Brunhilde: Battle armor
Brunilda: A protector in the battle
Brunnehilde: The armored and fighting woman.
Bruriah: Clarity of God
Bryah: A woman of great strenght and force
Bryana: Noble, strong, virtuous, hill; She ascends
Bryani: A vine that is used to heal people
Bryanna: A strong woman who only goes up
Bryanne: She is a strong and ascending woman
Bryar: A bush of thorny wild roses
Bryda: A holderof great power and strenght
Bryga: The one who is exalted
Brygid: A praised man
Brygida: One who is highly esteemed
Brylee: A strong one from the woodland meadow
Bryleigh: A courageous woman from the hill
Brylie: A brave boomerang
Bryliy: A brave woman
Bryluen: A woman who is a good horse rider
Bryn: A woman who comes from the hill
Bryna: A strenght and a force in the person
Bryndís: The armored goddess/
Bryngerd: The mother of Tonguestein.
Brynhild: A fighter woman with an armor
Brynhilde: The armored fighting woman.
Brynhildur: Armored warrior woman
Brynja: An armoured and protected woman
Brynleigh: An ascending victor
Brynli: A victorious and praised woman
Brynlie: She is a praised woman
Brynna: A woman from the hill
Bryoni: A brave and virtuous woman