We have created a list of 1068 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter H. This is Page 6 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Humra: rosy
Huna: ornament
Hunaidah: small of hind
Hunapo: Hidden darkness
Hunaydah: hadith's narrator(sindhi language)
Hunburg: practical,spirit
Hunig: delightful
Hunoon: A compassionate and loving woman.
Hunor: A name of a Hungarian ethnic group
Hunu: Sunray or sun in the Maori language.
Hunus: A chaste and pious woman
Hunydd: A woman who is mentioned in poetry
Huong: Vietnamese - Scent Of The Flower
Hura: Woman who has freedom
Huraira: A reddish woman
Hurairah: One who is like a little cat, a kitten
Huraiva: She is like a kitten
Hureaira: One who is like a red star
Huriyah: She who is the virgin of the paradise
Huriyyah: She is an angel
Hurriya: A feeling of liberation and freedom
Hurriyyah: A beautifully radiant woman
Husaina: A beautiful woman
Husaini: Beautiful one
Husanah: A very beautiful, gorgeous girl
Husay: Deer or gazelle, a small and slender antelope with curved horns
Husewyf: The wife of a householder
Husewyua: One who looks the household chores
Hushaima: A modest woman
Husn: A beauty, grace
Husna: The most beautiful girl
Husnara: A grooming beauty of woman
Husni: One of beauty and excellence
Husnia: A girl who is beautiful
Husniya: A beauty of the woman
Husniyah: A gorgeous woman
Husniyya: A muslim name for girls
Huso: Sadness of the bride.
Hutosh: Well formed
Hutten: A knowledgable smart person
Hutun: Ahe is like a rainy cloud
Huwaydah: She is very gente
Huyen: Vietnamese - Jet black
Huzuz: Women of great fortune
Huzza: Muslim girl name
Hvergelmir: The home of Nidhug.
Hwa-Young: A beautiful flower
Hyacinthe: Argentinian female name, meaning hyacinth plant.
Hyat: To be alive
Hycca: A kind of fish found from Athens
Hydeia: Thoughtful, Noble Kind; A variant form of name Heidi
Hygd: Qeen from the Beowulf poem
Hylda: A maid of the battle
Hylde: She is a battle comrade
Hylin: One who is filled with happiness
Hyma: One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
Hymavathi: One of many names of Godess Lakshmi
Hyndla: A giant
Hyo: One with a filial duty
Hyo-Sonn: One who is filial and gentle.
Hypatia: A supreme woman
Hyrrokkin: Name of an ogre.
Hysode: A name for girls
Hyssmaye: An english girl name
Hyun: "Bright" or "intelligent" in Korean, Variant transcription of HYEON meaning virtuous
Hyun Jae: Wise and respect
Hyun-Ae: A woman who is loving and clear.
Hyun-Ok: A wise and beautiful pearl.