We have created a list of 1068 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter H. This is Page 5 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Hismena: A beloved and esteemed woman. Hismena is a Medieval variation of the name Ismay
Hita: Lovable, Beneficial; Well Wisher
Hitaishi: Lovable, Beneficial; Well Wisher; A variant form of Hita
Hiti (हिती): Beneficial, one who is loving and caring
Hitomu: Wisdom, Intellect; Beautiful
Hitty: A form of Hiti. It means hyena.
Hitu: Well wisher
Hiva: Song
Hiwot: Eastern African - Amharic name meaning life
Hiya: Heart, One with a kind and generous heart; A compassionate person
Hiyam: A feeling of love, to love someone
Hj�rd�s: Sword goddess (Hinduism)
Hj�rdis: Sword goddess
Hjordís: The sword maiden
Hjordis: "Sword goddess", from Old Norse, A variant form is Hjordos
Hjordos: "Sword goddess", from Old Norse, A variant form is Hjordis
Hla: She who is beautiful
Hlaing: Plenty, plentiful
Hlappa: A name given to a low-born daughter
Hlif: Mother of Atli.
Hlossa: A low-born daughter's name
Hlud: A low-born child's name
Hluda: A daughter who is of low status
Hluppa: A woman who was born in a low status
Hlynn: Waterfall
Ho-Sook: A clear lake.
Hoa: A Type of Flower
Hoana: God is gracious and merciful.
Hoca: A woman who is of low rank
Hocca: A name given to she who is of low rank
Hocga: An Anglo-Saxon old girls name
Hoda: Arabic name, meaning "guidance". Also transliterated as Hooda, Huda, and Houda.
Hodaya: Praise God
Hodd: A woman whose hair is beautiful.
Hode: Yiddish word for myrtle tree.
Hodia: Wonders of God
Hodierna: Of Today
Hoe: A Garden Tool Used to Loosen Soil, A korean dish of raw fish
Hohu: Become, A surname
Hokaka: A desirable woman
Hokaratcha: Pole Cat
Hokhmah: A lover of nature who loves outdoors
Hoku: Star
Holea: Holy
Holeigh: Holly
Holey: Varient Holley
Holi: Holi is a variant transcription of Holly
Holiday: Holy Day' , Off working day
Holie: Taken from the name of the holly tree, an evergreen whose stiff, glossy,
Holika: Lighting of ceremonial fire, Holika was a demoness who was killed on the day of Holi
Holiston: A name of the irish girl
Hollace: Near the Holly
Holland: Holland is Land On The Ridge, toponomical surname indicative of ancestral origin in the Dutch region of Holland
Holle: Beloved, beloved of everyone.
Hollea: of the great hall, island man
Hollee: The Holly Tree, Common Name Given Christmas Female Babies
Holleigh: The Holly Tree
Holley: Form of Holly, Holly Grove
Holli: of the great hall, island man
Holliday: This Girl's name means "holy day." Variant spellings are Holiday and Haliday
Hollie: A variant of the name 'Holly', which comes from the Old English name for the holly-tree.
Hollin: Variant spelling of Hollen, Topographic name Holly Tree
Holliston: A Habitational name, Topographic name refering to Holly Tree; Variant of Hollin
Holly: Plant With Red Berries
Hollyann: A Habitational name, Topographic name refering to Holly Tree; Variant of Hollin
Hollyanne: An evergreen Holly Tree
Hollye: Form of Holly, Holly Grove
Hollyn: A Habitational name, Topographic name refering to Holly Tree; Variant of Hollin
Holy: Respected
Holye: A version of the name Holy. A name of the plant
Hom: The sweet smell.
Homa: A mythical Bird, Pheonix
Homakala: Well Wisher, Good Person; Faith
Homashala: Lord of Goodness, Kind, Compassionate and Benevolent Goddess
Honalei: Named after Hanalei, Hawaii, meaning heavenly land
Honbria: Sweet, Lovely
Honbrie: Sugary, Sweet
Honesty: Truthfullness, Someone who is truthful and Honest
Honi: Amiable, the one who is gracious and loving
Honora: Latin - Honored, Honorable; Derived from the name Honor; Variant of Honoria
Honorata: Latin - Honored, Honorable; Derived from the name Honor; Variant of Honoria
Honoria: The feminine form of the late Latin name Honorius, Latin - Honored; Honorable; Derived from the name Honor;
Honorine: Latin - Honored, Honorable; Derived from the name Honor; Variant of Honoria
Honoroe: Latin - Honored, Honorable; Derived from the name Honor; Variant of Honoria
Honour: Good Name and Integrity, A Virtue Name; Woman of Honor
Hooda: A different spelling of Huda, that means a woman who is well guided
Hoojoe: Guard, Protect; Take care; One who cares for our well being
Hoor: A Celestical, Virgin of Paradise; Nymph; A Virgin Maiden of Paradise for Its Dwellers
Hoori: Fairy
Hooria: Angel of Heaven
Hooriya: Angel
Hooriyah: Beautiful and radiant angel.
Hoorulain: The Most Beautiful Hur with Beautiful Eyes
Hoowanneka: Native American - Little elk
Hop: Chinesee - Agreeable,Consistant; Also a variant form of Hope
Hope: Hope is Desire Of Fulfillment
Hopelyn: Joyful, Combination of Hope and Lynn;
Hopie: In the sense of Hope
Hor: Who Conceives, Shows; A Hill
Horatia: Feminine form of Horatio, an English clan name meaning is Timekeeper, Derived from the Roman clan name Horatius
Horenga: A variation of the name Orenga
Horia: Angel, A county in Romania
Horiya: Angel or a black eyed heavenly nymph.
Horizon: Apparent Edge of Land
Hormat: Honour
Hormazbanu: A lady bearing the name of the Almighty.
Horowai: Waterfall
Hortencia: Latin - Garden, Gardener; Hortencia is an alternate spelling for Hortensia
Hortense: Hortense is a French name that means "gardener"
Hortensia: Hortensia is a common name for the Hydrangea genus of flowering plants.
Hosanna: A prayer or cry of express praise or adoration to God. Literally means "please save" or "save now." in Hebrew.
Hoshiko: Japanese - star
Hot: A feeling of warmth
Hotaru: Japanese - Firefly
Hounild: A female name of Anglo-Saxon origin
Hounilda: A girls name of Anglo-Saxon origin
Housni: One full of goodness and exellence
Hova: Name given to a breeze of wind
Howea: Old Norse, Horse; High; Warden; Guard; Heart; Mind; Clearing in the Woods; A variation of name Howard
Hoyam: Passionate Love
Hrafnhildur: Raven or battle
Hrafntinna: Raven or flint
Hrefna: Icelandic word for Raven
Hridika: Of Heart, Friendship
Hrieya: Indian - Wealth, Fortune, Richness; Prosperous; Spanish - Queen.
Hrishabh: Morals, integrity
Hristina: A Bulgarian form of name Chris, A variant form of name Christina
Hrithika: Kind Hearted, Generous; One with a kind and generous heart; A compassionate person
Hrodny: Mother of Hoskuld.
Hroppa: A female Anglo-Saxon name
Hrothbeorhta: Bright, Famous
Hrothberta: brilliant, famed
Hrothbertina: bright, well-known
Hrothnerta: vivid, celebrated
Hrotsvitha: One who has might, power and famous.
Hrystyna: A variant form of name Christina, Variant spelling is Chrystyna
Htay: Rich and wealthy
Htet: One who is sharp.
Htin: Appear, appearance
Htun: Succeed
Htut: Apex, tip
Htway: Youngest
Hua: Prosperous
Huacaltzintli: Native American - Unclear
Huan: Fortunate, Happy, Pleased
Hubairah: Hyena
Huberta: Woman with clever mind
Huboor: Happiness
Hucca: A low-born woman's name
Hucel: A girl of low heritage
Hucela: A baby girl of low ranks
Huctia: An Old English name
Hudaña: She is mute
Hudeca: An Anglo-Saxon girl's name
Huder: A female name of Anglo-Saxon origin
Hudes: One who is praised by everyone.
Hudun: A woman who is quiet
Hue: Hue (Hew) and Cry, Wa
Huela: Fem. A Form Of Hugh
Huelo: Ray of light
Huemac: Name of a Toltec king.
Huetta: Mind, Intellect; name given to garden and irrigated land
Huette: Little Hugh, Female Version of Hugh
Huetts: Little Hugh
Hufriya: A woman having much love in her heart.
Hug: One who is full of spirit.
Hugga: A spiritual, heartfelt person
Hughetta: heart,mind,spirit,intelligent
Hughette: bright in mind and spirit
Hugolina: bright spirit
Hugolinae: serious,mature,stable
Huhulu: The one who glows
Hui: sharp,quick,clever
Huihana: Maori word for lily or lotus.
Huixtocihuatl: Name of Aztec fertility goddess
Hujaymah: means
Hujayrah: narrator of hadith
Huk: English - Resembling the fruit,Honest,Pervading, Orderly
Hukaymah: umaymah's and ruqayqah's grand daughter
Hukayman: mahmood bin muhammad(reciter of quran) daughters
Hukmee: Commander, The One With Authority, God Like; One with the power to command; A variant spelling is Hukmi
Hukmi: commander,the one with authority
Hulah: enchanting woman
Huld: Icelandic term for secret.
Hulda: Loved One, Hiding; Secrecy; Sweet; Lovable; A variant transcription is Huld
Huldah: Loved One, Hiding; Secrecy; Sweet; Lovable; A variant transcription is Hulda
Hulde: Beloved, dear to everyone.
Hulyah: jewelry,ornament,finery
Huma: Lucky Bird, Phoenix; The Huma bird is a legendary bird from Persian myth
Humaa: lucky bird
Humaida: bright red colour
Humaila: Golden Necklace
Humaira: crimson
Humairah: dark red colour
Humaisña: She is alone
Humayrah: red colour
Humberga: happiness
Humeira: colour of red
Humera: highest imaginary bird who soars
Hummaira: cherry colour