Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds.
- George Santayana

Since we are born we are confused about everything and for that we all have basically found out the ways to deal with it and that is '' EXCEPT ME THE WAY I AM'' but are we that we try to potray . We all are so confused each time when we have to take a decsion because mostly the decsion we ought to make is influenced by our surroundings and hence, we will always be in a confusion state .

Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while.

- Jack Welch

To get away from a state where you feel trapped you have to know what is bothering you, mainly we all are in a denial mode we dont accept the truth and hence the confusion . Its scary , I know ! Its hard , I know but you gotta do it because your confusion not only has the adverse effect on your life but all the people surrounding you . Its super hard but we are born to create something , we have been given a fair chance to everything ,sometimes we might not understand it but it will always be for our betterment . Confusion is a state of mind which doesnt want to accept the whole reality and tries to go on with something you want it to work but it doesnt work and hence you confuse yourself but you were never meant to do that in the first place . This world is a scary place to live and no matter how many people say we understand its only you , who can understand yourself better than anyone else . So to sort things out in one's life ,you gotta get out of your comfort & denial mode and accept the reality . We all know what is right and wrong we will always do ,we just need to broaden our mind because imagine how big and humongous this world is and what we think is not even 1/8th of that part . Its all about how much you want to grow as a human being and as an indviual and the day you decide to grow , your problems might not go but you might be able to deal with it and be more stronger than you were before the key to that is NEVER LIE TO YOURSELF.

“The best lies were always mixed with truth.”
Sarah J. Maas,

