Social Media Is Not An Evil Always

Avik Sarkar
Jun 20, 2019   •  31 views

Social media has sprung into prominence in the ongoing decade. Its addictive nature has stolen much limelight throwing a dark shade upon it. But is social media really of a sinister kind? Let's concentrate upon the efficacious side of the popular evil:

Blossoms new friendship

Well, the primary reason behind considering social media baleful lies in this point itself. It's a platform that provides an opportunity to make friends with strangers hailing from different regions all across the globe. If a user can make proper use of social media, it can help one find friends to help with academics or profession. It allows an individual to learn and grab knowledge. But the user needs to realize where to draw the line. In case the chat over social media starts getting obnoxious after a point, one must be potent enough to resist it. Being responsible and having self-control can actually help you nurture good friendship over social platforms, which involves an exchange of valuable information.

Suppressed news go viral

The issues having immense significance in the society are put of rest using strong political influence to ensure things continue to be in favor of the influentials. Social media provides a platform where such issues reach the entire world and create the needed uproar for justice. It helps to enlighten a huge population about the various topics and concerns all over the world and stir their emotions to seek the desired outcome.

Opens door to opportunities

The issues having immense significance in the society are put of rest using strong political influence to ensure things continue to be in favor of the influentials. Social media provides a platform where such issues reach the entire world and create the needed uproar for justice. It helps to enlighten a huge population about the various topics and concerns all over the world and stir their emotions to seek the desired outcome.

Provides entertainment

It's needless to say that social media helps in entertainment. It provides nutrient to spend leisures happily and transform a mundane day into an exciting one.

Gives recognition to brands

The issues having immense significance in the society are put of rest using strong political influence to ensure things continue to be in favor of the influentials. Social media provides a platform where such issues reach the entire world and create the needed uproar for justice. It helps to enlighten a huge population about the various topics and concerns all over the world and stir their emotions to seek the desired outcome.

Allows interaction with public figures

Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn allow aspirants to directly communicate with their role models and eminent personalities and gain access to valid information and knowledge before pursuing a particular field. It acts as a motivating factor as well.

Speedy communication

Social media facilitates communications with individuals at a distant locale in a fraction of seconds. It helps to keep in touch with relatives and family staying far.

Social media isn't evil unless you have an enormous contribution in making it so. Make the right use of them and enjoy the perks it has in store to offer you.


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