This is a age where most of us go through many things and most common one is patchups and breakups. Everyone we see around is in a relationship, healing from a breakup or is searching for a partner. Everyone needs someone to complete their life or maybe to be with them most of the time. Someone they can term as the " love of their life". But in this world of " My life, My rules!" , Why do we even need someone . Love , finding a partner or working out an relationship has become so important that people forget what they want for themselves. They start giving so much to their relationships that they even forget that they have a life beyond that relationship.
Everytime, everything we do ,it involves thinking about our partner. Will he like it , will she approve it, our every decision involves these questions. And for those who have just broken up with their partners,they start behaving as if theirworld is ending and they don't have anything leftin their life . Everything revolves around that one person who left and who chose to leave when we needed him the most. But the question is why do we even need them, don't we have friends or family, we can share our things with them also and we can also spend time with them. This isn't the case actually, the thing is everyone's dating so we have to do it as well . Without thinking if the partner is good for us or not ,we jump into a relationship as it's a trend and it's necessary to be donewhether you have feelings or not. And when it doesn't work out ,we end up crying and hurting ourselves and to heal ,we jump into the next relationship. We don't give time to ourselves,we don't believe in healing ourselves but take help of others to do so and in theend ,we may even end up hurting the other one as well. In this way , the cycle continues. We fall for someone,we crush on them ,we enter a relationship and end up with break ups. It goes on and we focus on this only . Patch ups and break ups have become so important especially for teenagers that we forget ourselves in this . We compromise with our dreams,with our family just for that one temporary person who we assume as our soulmate.
Entering a relationship isn't bad but thinking about it all the time and forgetting your own self is wrong and that's what make it over rated.