Importance Of Staying Hydrated

Arnav Jain
Jun 23, 2019   •  1 view

Why do doctors say one should be hydrated enough? Why is it advised to drink more water and beverages? Is this because the simple water ( H20) contains many nutrients?


Lets just start with the facts! our body contains atleast 60% of water! water is an essential component of human body which is needed for survival. Everything including cells, tissues and organs needs water to function properly. Many diseases are cured if proper hydration is maintained. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles work efficiently. At a recent British Psychological Society Annual Conference — reports found that college students who brought water with them into an exam scored higher marks than their counterparts who didn’t have water.


Hyponatremia- is a rare condition caused by excessive consumption of fluids. This leads to low sodium levels and can be a concern. It is mostly observed in athletes who consume more water than the perspiration rate during workouts. To maintain the balance, it is recommended to consume fluid which is only adequate.

Most people have been told to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day which is a reasonable goal! If you are concerned you are not drinking enough water, just check your urine. if your urine is dark yellow you may be dehydrated whereas if your urine is light yellow or colorless you are well hydrated. Inadequate consumption will lead to dizziness, headaches or you may feel uneasy, sleepiness, extreme thirst and confusion. Some people are at higher risks of dehydration, including people who exercise, who are sick or have certain medical conditions. For example, people havingdiarrhea, pregnancy, kidney stones may get dehydrated very much and are required to maintain their water supply.


Water can also be found in different sources such as sports drinks, fruits, vegetables etc. Consuming these types of food products will not only help in hydrating but also does not let "loo" harm you during summers. Sports drinks have some essential electrolytes. During summers consume coconut water, sugarcane juice and lemonade , all of them being excellent sources and also healthy.Fruits such as melon, watermelon, kiwi, drinks such as rasna, squash, tangs are also great sources.Apart from this, food items and drinks such as caffeine and alcohols should be prevented. this is both for the health purpose and also because they are diuretic which causes you to release more fluid often.

