5 Morning Habits That Make You A Productive!

Arjun Gaud
Jun 05, 2019   •  23 views

1) Have a fixed time for waking up. when you want a desired outcome from any machine,
settings create the perfect conditions for that outcome to satisfy desired product.

to achieve what you want, you will have to select perfect conditions for that desired result as well. It starts morning, when do you wake up? Does'nt matter what the time is, what matter is consistency in waking up at exactly that hour everyday, if you control the hour of waking up, you control the hours of day as well.

2) After waking up, you ask yourself, what would make your ego happy today?

we have learned to see our ego in a very negative light, which is very applicable in relationship, and dating, because ego can destroy there. But in terms of achievement, your ego is your ultimate friend. ego is connected to your pride, pride has a direct relation with achievements. therefore when you ask, what would make your ego happy, tha answer is personal achievements.

3) Execution. motivation does not come from thinking, it comes when your brain realizes you are being productive.

being productive shows you it can be done; you are doing it, keep doing it why not do it more? execution creates motivation. Get shit done everyday, and tell me it doesn't motivate you! Execution will make you an authority on how to be successful!

for the first time, you have been executing daily the most important tasks, giving them priority, and they in return giving you clarity, confidence and pride over the simple fact, you can do it.

4) Deprive yourself of luxury. if you wanna achieve in life, you have to be deprived of what gives you completeness and comfort. introduce your dream to hunger, and then it will become an evolutionary want akin to the will and want to survive.

you have a girlfriend, imagine somebody far more capable than you is gonna get her, do you love somebody?

imagine they are leaving the country, and you don't have the power nor the means to ever go meet them. powerlessness creates the want to become powerful. And you are powerless, the reason why you haven't felt it is....because you haven't been tested yet, and you don't control when you would be.

But don't wait for day
the defination of loser is not one "who hasn't achieved something, it is the one who is comfortable in being unprepared."

5) Believe in yourself. take 30-40 minutes every single day just for yourself, sit down alone, and talk to yourself, and take care of yourself. Every single day, do your own therapy. comfort yourself. there is nothing that you can not do.you have to believe. to believe, you must know both your weaknesses and strengths, and invest in the uncompromising nature in you to influence both.

My request to you would try these 5 things for just a week.

and as you aim for self improvement.

Resources : google images


