Influence can be miraculous. It reaches the infinity and creates a wonderland.
Ever since the germination of the wits of mandkind, people have been relying on the ability of writing and vocalization. The eternal pieces of writings and poetry have carved the names of great personalities on stone walls. People continue to express themselves through words, thereby proving permanency.
how can one analyze the power of words that ceases the wars that once seemed to be never ending? How can one stop admiring the sentences that become statements ? Words may seem petty and useless, or just a way to say what you want to say, but we don’t realise is the dominion of words is what made Shakespeare immortal. His fictions were so real that people have been influenced by his words for centuries. The stories, the tales that were crafted by him, befuddled even the greatest minds of the world. There is something extraordinary in art of being able to explain and describe and articulate your thoughts out to the world. The power that is hidden beneath words flames like a forest fire, emerging from the inside with great potential of advancing. Words have the power of both destruction and creation, the ability to both inspire and weaken.
Words are pale shadow of forgotten names. As name have power, words too. They can light fires in mind of the purestand writing transform the hardest of hearts.
It’s just incredible how just few words can change people’s lives. Words are the mirror that reflect your greatness. They are stones that shine brighter than any diamonds. They can create life among the dead; can make the heavens bow down to earth and can turn the world upside down.
Words have the energy that can make revolutions which can blast even harder than an atom bomb. It is our thought, our intellect and just few more WORDS.
The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made up of words. And if you know the words that the world is made up of, you can make of it whatever you wish.