The life of a human being experiences many phases of emotions and feelings that are way too valuable and precious in its essence for the life. 

Poetry is not just words in a rhythm it is much more than that, it is the elixir of life which contains many emotions engulfed and capture the moments turning them into words, words which have an ability of rip through the hard layers that we consciously or subconscious build around ourselves.

The rhythm of poetry has an ability to synchronize with the feelings of a human being and the thought with which the poetry is written by a poet is itself a chapter that connects us with the poet and his words. 

Moreover, there is a magic in poetry, it is said that each person each soul has his different experience and relation with poetry, poetry that is same but bonds on a different level to each soul.

Poetry is something that connects to every generation and has many colors ranging from love to suffering, from revolution to loss, from happiness to sorrow.

 The poet in a beautiful and a very personal from seeks to explore the mind of the readers. Reading and writing poetry has a healing effect on the minds of the writer and reader.

The poet aims to pour all his emotions into words which turn out to be something beautiful, something that has a different meaning upon reading those same words every time and as for the reader, a reader gets to feel the idea and vibrations of those feelings that have been poured into these words. 

Poetry is the purest and innocent form of expression, we as human as lucky to be able to read and write poetry. 

I would like to quote the words of John Keating from the movie Dead poets society,

“We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”

I would also love to share some of my favorite poets and what I have learnt from them and what I keep learning from them. 

Firstly, I want to talk about one of the most prominent and pioneer of Urdu Poetry – Meer Taqi Meer.

Meer is admired by many, as his poetry teaches and expresses the grief and sorrow, he is a poet of suffering. His poetry has a deep intensity illustrating his observations of life, its struggles and chaos, which makes his words connect to all generations.

There is also another poet I would love to share, as his poetry has the power to infuse life into a dying man, he is none other than Mohammed Iqbal.

Iqbal is one of the greatest Indian poets, his poetry covers various aspects of social life, he wrote against all kinds of demoralizing, weakness and self-pity, but he was a nationalist poet and his love for his motherland can be seen and felt in his works.

Lastly, I would love to share my insights about another one of my favorite poets who I also feel has been forgotten in the sands of time.

Avtar Singh Sandhu more famously know as Pash. 

Pash was a revolutionary poet and his words reflect his rebellious nature against the prejudices of the society, the injustice and the suffering of people, in a time of utter chaos.

His poetry reflects a dynamism and his uninhibited love for life and most importantly his true commitment to ordinary man’s struggles. He is a poet of people. 

Poetry has a lot to teach us about life and it is a tool that has the power to shape and move the world.

Again, I would like to remind that each of us has his different experience and relation with poetry and in these pandemic times when there is a wave of disappointment, I believe poetry will show us the way.

Poetry will connect and bond us on a level that is deep and would hold crucial importance in its meaning beyond the boundaries of words to the path of enlightenment and levitation providing us with new meaning for life. 

Humans and poetry have a deep relation and its ripples can be felt by every beating heart on this earth. 

