Ever heard about a man who has died for people and that too very crucially on the cross?There may be no greater persons in history that would have ever died for the sins of mankind. Such was his example of selfless love. A lot of huge personalities may have captured the hearts of people by their revolts and revolution, but no one in the world would have loved the world so much that he gave his only son to die on the cross. All of us have heard a lot about him, everyone believes in him and relies upon him for help. He was none other than Jesus Christ. He loved people despite all their faults and mistakes. He did his best to save people from their sins. But the people were arrogant, they looked upon him as some false prophet and tried to deprive of him.
How much ever he tried his best to convince people of God's kingdom, they kept doubting him. They didn’t believe him to be of god sent person, instead, they mistook him for someone who was fake. He spoke about the kingdom of God, the creator of heaven and earth, the almighty and his heavenly father. There were a lot of prophecies about his birth before he was born, so some kings tried their best to kill him as they were sure that their throne would be lost had he been born. So they waited for a chance to hook him. Jesus Christ had 12 disciples who were sinners, but they believed in him and changed their ways after seeing him.
A lot of people got cured and trusted him to be the one sent by almighty, but there were people who were jealous of him. So they plotted plans to execute him. He performed miracles and astonished people. Wonders and mysteries were seen throughout Galilee. Many of the ones who got cured came back to thank him and believed in him, some didn’t even bother to mind him. But Jesus never showed partiality to anyone who treated him with care and love. He loved everyone and treated all equally. He forgave sinners and went to live in their houses. In fact, he was more close to sinners. Whenever people of higher caste saw this, they were angry and decided to wipe him out from this world.
But, god the almighty had different plans for him. He wanted to bring good to the world through his only son and for that he was ready to sacrifice him also. Hence Jesus Christ was drawn through the streets along with a cross and was lead to calvary mount where he was nailed to cross. He died on the cross for all the people. Even at the last moment of his death, he asked the Almighty to forgive people for their sins as they don’t know what they were doing. Finally, he was crucified, died and was buried. But as written, he rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. World’s best example of unending human love.