Youth: Source Of Endless Energy

Alisha Jain
May 22, 2019   •  852 views

"Youth is the best time to be rich & the best time to be poor" is a well-said verse which proves why youth can be considered as an endless source of energy. The youth of a nation are the trustees of prosperity. Youth gets together with their materials to build a bridge to the moon or maybe a palace on earth, then in the middle age, they decide to build a woodshed with them instead. Thus, the youth of a nation are the important assets for any nation, thereby, making it of utmost significance to channelise their energy in the most appropriate way possible. Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young. Keep your hope young. It's moreover like a saving account i.e. whatever you'll invest today in yourself, it will benefit you in the coming years. Youth have the courage to change old ideas & practices so that we may direct the power towards good ends. They have young & innovative minds weaving new ideas & grabbing new opportunities as they come along the way. The young don't know to be prudent & therefore they attempt the impossible & achieve it generation by generation & one who owns the youth, gains the future. Thus learning at this tender stage in life is quite essential else past will be loser & future will be dead. Building the future for youth can't be possible always but we can build the youth for the future. They should be encouraged & motivated to think in a unique way as reckless makes rueful age. You are only young once & if you work it right, once is enough. They have immense power of which even they themselves are not fully aware of. They have the ability to change & re-build the world. Although youth is a glad season of life only if directed towards the right path. Right guidance also impacts else youth can be a period of missed opportunities. In this stage, one should not judge or take a big decision in haste as one needs to ponder before doing anything. If the youth of the country engages in wrong activities likes cybercrime, drugs etc. it will be a fiasco with vague future leading to the path of destruction. It is the duty of parents & teachers to nurture their children & help them to be a good human. Youth is the world's biggest power as they are full of enthusiasm & zeal to learn new things by applying it to real-life situations. Thus, youth can contribute a lot to the nation's development if the proper direction is provided & can turn the nation to dream nation!

