The climatic change is a complex phenomenon which shows how feeble human beings are in front of the power of nature. No matter how advanced they have become.
Presently, the record of past years had been broken i.e. highest temperature recorded till now is 50°C in a district in Rajasthan.
Natural causes and human activities are two factors which cause climatic change. Natural causes include volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, the earth’s orbital changes and solar variations. The eruptions of volcanoes throw out large volumes of sulphur dioxide (SO2), water vapour, dust, and ash into the atmosphere & cause a cooling effect, affecting the climatic pattern for years. On reaching the upper level of the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide gas blocks the incoming sun rays and this will lead to cooling at the atmosphere.
Climatic change on earth partially takes place by natural cycles of Earth, however, over the past fifty years, human activities are a major source of climatic change. The climatic change that had occurred over some time is highly unpredictable. Duration of summers, winters, monsoons or rains can't be estimated accurately.
It has become more prominent because of global warming which is a worldwide concern. The release of various greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes an increase in atmospheric temperature as these gases to have the capacity to absorb all the heat. Such gases never let sun rays to go back to the atmosphere & traps heat from it. Increase in atmospheric temperature causes many climatic changes like an increase in sea level, floods, droughts, weather changes, an increase of summer season, melting glaciers, depletion of the ozone layer & many more.
Plants are the main source to utilise carbon dioxide gas as their food, however, we are disturbing the natural cycle by deforestation.
Earth is the only planet suitable for the existence of human life as other planets are either too hot or too cold to support life.
But, due to this, there is a drastic effect on health, agriculture, industry, marine life etc.
The World Bank report states that climate change could affect growth which could be cut by one-fifth if action is not taken. Extreme high temperature increases the death rates & people are more prone to diseases. Aquatic life also gets affected.
The first concrete step towards controlling it came in the form of the Montreal protocol (1987) emphasising the need to lessen the size of the ozone hole. All across the world, people are taking action to prevent climate change. In 2007, scientists from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecasted that warming oceans and melting glaciers could cause sea levels to rise 7-23 inches by the year 2100. Some small countries & islands will be submerged by seawater and even disappeared very soon.
Use of plastic bags must be substituted with eco-friendly stuff. Efforts are being made to extract energy from urban & industrial waste. In water-scarce areas, drought proofing measures can be used. The initiative to make 100 smart cities is being started.
It is no secret that climatic change wiped out an entire race of mighty Dinosaurs, who once ruled the planet. It's not hard to imagine the fate of the human race if no action is taken timely. If ecological & environmental problems are forsaken, 'industrialised & perish' will be nature's revenge!