No matter the extent of the calamity people are facing right now due to the pandemic COVID-19, the crux of the matter remains that COVID-19 has been both a boon and a bane. COVID-19 or coronavirus has already been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). It has claimed thousands of lives and has affected millions. The worst hit regions are Europe, China, South Korea and the USA. Apart from the global efforts being made to eliminate it, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of making global healthcare equipments on a large scale and has also led to a new found appreciation for the doctors and healthcare community.

Man's avarice has always lead to hindrance in prosperity of nature and environment but because of the ongoing pandemic there has been an unexpected result. Since there has been a halt on activities such as manufacturing of good from industries, release of harmful gases from exhaustion of fuel in vehicles, carbon combustion due to all industrial and transportation activities etc which has led to a clearer atmosphere. Several media reports claim that the water in rivers has become clearer such as the Grand Canal in Venice, dolphins and fishes have returned in the water bodies after decades, air quality index has drastically improved all over the globe etc. The most positive impact of the whole mishap is that the ozone hole in the Earth's atmosphere which was formed as a result of the ozone layer depletion has started to heal.

This pandemic has also led to healthy relations among families as due to lockdown people have no other option other than interacting with their own family members and dining together. This has played a vital role in strengthening family bonds.

On one hand this pandemic is causing havoc but on the other hand it has been an ample proof in itself that if coordinated global action is taken against climate change then nature takes no time in reclaiming itself. This also echoes that humans are to be blamed for the declining environment but if they wish to change the situation then they can certainly stop global issues like climate change in no time.



Profile of Vinay Chaudhary
Vinay Chaudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice points
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :)
Profile of Chanchal Teotia
Chanchal Teotia  •  5y  •  Reply
Good one 👏
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :)
Profile of Rundown Undefined
Rundown Undefined  •  5y  •  Reply
hamra ko jyada kuch samajh nhi aya par tumhra idea aacha h
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :)
Profile of Sourabh Teotia
Sourabh Teotia  •  5y  •  Reply
amazing work dude
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you very much :)
Profile of Rundown Undefined
Rundown Undefined  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Mohan Roy
Mohan Roy  •  5y  •  Reply
very good article as good as military base channel on youtube
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
hehe.. thanks
Profile of Base Notify
Base Notify  •  5y  •  Reply
very good thinking
Profile of Kanchan Choudhary
Kanchan Choudhary  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :-)