Once you stop chasing the wrong things, the right ones catch you!
It’s time to stop chasing people who don’t want you. It’s time to stop obsessing about people who are not willing to create space for you in their life.
You know what it’s like: you see this person and they are everything you ever wanted in a partner or friend – or at least they appear to be so. The only problem is they don’t feel the same way about you.
There’s a quote that goes: ‘Treat someone like dirt, and they will stick like mud.” I think its human nature to want to prove ourselves and obtain some sort of success after rejection. Rejection sometimes drives people crazier, becoming more attached to the person who rejected them. In these cases, simply accept the rejection and move on.
Stop chasing someone if the reason you are chasing that person are no longer because you want to be with them, but because you want to prove something/obtain a sense of self victory. The relationship never lasts when you have to chase after someone.
You'll find someone who will appreciate you-
It is not worth wasting your time chasing people who don't want to have a relationship with you! Instead, focus your time on those who do want a relationship.There are over 7 billion people on this planet.One day you'll surely meet someone who will appreciate your little efforts.
Letting People Go Can Allow The Right People To Come Into Your Life-
If you are still chasing those in your life who don't want to be there, my advice to you is STOP! It is really hard and some long-term relationships like marriages are worth trying to work through your differences, but eventually, you need to be willing to let people go.
Fall in love with yourself-
Stop chasing people and start living your dreams. Living your dreams and purpose of life is your first step to your true happiness and infinite love. Right ones will love you for who you are. When you fall in love with yourself, everyone will fall in love with you.
NOTE- The pictures used in the article are google images.