Genre : Comedy, Drama

No. of episodes : 83

IMDb : 8.3/10

Release date : 7th September 2007.

1. This is loosely based on Charles Bukowski's 'Women' and is truly, in every way possible, a tv manifestation of everything that Bukowski's books were. It packs a zany punch, and some beautifully deep philosophy stylistically seasoned with amazing pop and rock music, booze and the ladies.

2. The lead character Hank Moody, that won David Duchovny a Golden Globe, is one of the most charismatic characters ever potrayed on screen. Forget your Barneys and Joeys, this is a real man's man. Articulate yet filthy language, phrases like "Class up the ass," and "Fan of the female form, a mere worshiper of women," makes you really see why he's such a ladies man.

3. It's ultimately about deep themes and romantic philosophy. About 'the one that got away' and other beautiful topics.

