Boys and Girls this is your golden age, live it to the fullest!

Its been 2 years since I got out of this teen bracket and I already miss it, it starts from 13 when you have strange hormonal rush in your body, things just seem to be awesome, for guys voice to cracks and body starts to become muscular, for girls mensuration cycle starts, breast starts to develop…etc but These are just physical changes what’s more important are the emotional changes!

Yes as hormones are on a joy ride inside your body you start to feel different emotions like, Attraction, Aggression, Companionship, Infatuation, Jealousy, your EGO starts to play role in your decision making, and surveys show that 1 out of every 5 teenager goes through depression at some point of this teen age and in worst cases this depression stays with them even after teen age. There are family struggles where you have ego issues with your parents, you feel why don’t they understand you and parents feel what happened to their kids who used to listen to every thing they said.

See these things are inevitable, they are the most vital part of your teen journey, the only thing that you need to keep in mind is that “Let the things Go” , chill out, let these years pass and at the end everything will workout for you.

Below are some general situations that Teens often go through, and what you need to do if you are in any one of it!

  1. You are in Love: This is amazing time, the high that you get is awesome, it feels like the best phase of your life. Everything is cool till the point you start to give to much into the relationships. Don’t make that girl or that guy your EVERYTHING, I know they are very special to you but no one is bigger than your parents. Don’t fight with your parents, because few years down the line you’ll say the same thing that I am saying right now. Don’t get me wrong but the generally relationships you come into in this age don’t last more than 6–7 months, and there is nothing wrong about it, enjoy your time, be truthful and don’t see those crazy Future Dreams, because none of that shit will come true.

  2. You are going through Breakup: Breakup is a Blessing for you, I made a video on this >>BreakUp Motivation & How to Move on( Check it out if you are going through a breakup). Breakup will build your character, you’ll understand a lot about human psychology and how the things work. And its just a chapter of life, there are so many people in the world, don’t think your life is over, you won’t get anyone else, I know easier said than done but believe me after some time you’ll laugh at yourself that you wasted time at this crap.

  3. Parents don’t listen to you: See there will these situations when you feel why don’t your parents understand you, why don’t they listen to you, or you’ll also feel in some case that they are particularly against you. See it’s okay, I understand the frustration, but you know what, the same is for your parents, they feel why don’t you listen to them, what happened to their good kid. See there is a generation gap between you and them and it will take time for them to adapt to this social change, so do the things you want to, but increase the intensity slowly, so you’ll get some scolding every time but they’ll become softer every time and soon they’ll adjust to your way of thinking. What ever they do is never from an idea of controlling and troubling you, they feel that they are protecting you from this evil society, they just want your good.

  4. Peer Pressure :This age is all about impressing others, doing the “cool things” and being the best among your peers, its fine up to a certain extent, but remember people only respect those who respect themselves, you need to take stand for your believes and values, if you feel that something is not right to do like drugs or smoking or underage drinking then just say NO. Many of my friends who started to smoke under the peer pressure of try it once, still regret doing that.

  5. Fights:This age is particularly infamous for the fights and ego battles, its not a big deal to fight until you gather many people to beat just one guy, remember Best Fights are those which are Avoided. Real strength is not in beating the shit out of a person by gathering many people just because of some ego issue instead its in knowing that you yourself can beat that person but you choose not to get into this mess of fighting.

  6. Life seems to be meaningless:This generally comes at the later stage of this teen phase in which you feel existential crisis, you have gone through love, breakup, fights etc and now you are unable to figure out what do you want from life, its okay! Give yourself time, set a goal-Like it can be anything ( Keep something that you feel you CANNOT do) , write it on a card , and start taking ACTIONS towards it, soon things will take shape and everything will make sense!

This is the best phase of your life. Live it to the fullest!!

Check out my YouTube channel >>GUIDE TO RICH LIFE, for motivational and inspirational videos on similar type of topics!!

Stay Strong,
Vishal Jain

