Are You Serious About Your Future!!!

Aditya Ranjan
May 18, 2019   •  38 views

Hello friends,

one can take this article as a motivation but this is a serious issue which should be discussed right now. Can you imagine yourself after 5 years? Some will thought of their success in his/her goal. But wait, am I used the word goal......Some might be there who haven't decided their goal even now! Some will be there who have only just set their goals but done nothing on it which you can consider it with the previous case because there is no difference between not chosen a goal and only just chosen a goal. Friend if you are thinking that life is very simple then please change your mind set .Today may be you doesn't understand my words but after sometime you will definitely realize your mistakes. One can learn with their mistakes but may it not happen that at the time of your realization you are left with nothing in your hands only regret. So why we should bring that regrets in our life , why we are not working on our goals right now so that we can live our life very happily. One should feel pain , stress and sometime may be failure in the way to their goal but my friend one day you will definitely get a present from god as the success in your goal. So what you all are thinking , stop doing ill activities in your life and stay focused toward your goal because your other activities may bring happiness in your face but will be for short time , and the right work toward your aim will led happiness not only to you but over your parents face too which my friend is the real happiness in life .At last I would like to thanks my friends who patiently gone through my words and I hope a very bright future for them . May their dream comes true one day by their true labour.




Profile of R.Manoj Aiyer
R.Manoj Aiyer  •  4y  •  Reply
Ya I am Serious Nice Article bro