Welcome, this article is about the coolest disease which is in the market right now. Depression. What is depression really, well depression is a persistan feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression is a disease, that occurs for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression during a serious medical illness. Others may have depression with life changes such as a moving to another house or the death of a loved one. Or sometimes it could be genetic and a family history of depression. Those who do may experience depression and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loneliness for unknown reasons.Major depression: It is a severe form of depression that interferes a person’s ability to perform daily activities such as work, eat, study etc.
For the sufferers this is no laughing stock, in reality it is a very dangerous mental illness. People with depression might experience anxiety, loss of interest, mood swings, sadness, decreased indulgence in activities, excess sleep or early awakening, insomnia, irritation from mundane things, excessive hunger, loss of appetite, loss of concentration, blank thoughts and the most important one, thoughts of committing suicide.
In the past elders have brushed off any disease relating to mental health and also have taken offence if someone was diagnosed with it.
It’s like a maze where you feel that there is no way out, an impasse where you feel you’ve reached a dead end, a dark void where you can’t hold on to anybody and keep on falling in the darkness. When the sufferers were left unheard they committed suicide leaving a painful hole in the hearts of everyone they knew.
If you feel like committing suicide and ending it all just remember the people you hold dear, your friends, family, your PlayStation, your shoes, your dog. Try to talk about this with your parents, don’t be ashamed, it’s not your fault, it’s a disease and it can happen to anyone.
• Try to learn more about your depression, read blogs, articles.
• Exercise, find a sport that you feel is worth it. Go at it with relentless efforts, work your butt off.
• Understand that getting rid of depression takes time and not be discouraged by the long healing process.
• Keep a watch on your sleep habits and sleep for not more than 8 hours and not less than 6 hours.
Try to reach out to people who you think might listen to you because sometimes if you have someone to listen to you then it can help you connect with your feelings more.
It is a battle which you did not choose but it’s a battle that you must fight and win because this battle is not for only you but for the people that are connected with you. I want you to emerge a better person not a martyr.