Education And Happiness Go Hand-In-Hand

May 10, 2019   •  16 views

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today"

-Malcolm X

Education does help us become happier people. According to recent studies, the higher the people's level of general education, the better satisfied they were in their daily life.

Education opens the door to knowledge and also gives purpose to life. It may give the maturity to distinguish between right and wrong.

(Cartoon courtesy of Randy Glasbergen)

Education plays a very important role in every individual’s life as it helps in building a person’s self-worth, which in turn builds confidence and affects all aspects of an individual’s life, including happiness.

It is true that education equips us with skills and knowledge which makes us competitive, since we can outperform any competition and make money in the process. But making money does not always bring happiness. Education must not have such a narrow objective. The thirst for knowledge and the need to make money is necessary, however this should not rule us. Education does help in creating responsible citizens and upright people, but does this in turn bring utility or happiness?

(Cartoon courtesy of Gary Varvel)

Education must not signify enslavement. There are far too many 'educated' people who are actually enslaved. Enslavement causes people to lead empty lives which in turn destroys happiness.

Education should be capable of liberating people. Education must make us bold and capable of overcoming the limits we set for ourselves. It must make us responsible, teach us to be independent and to live life on our own toil. It must make us inquisitive and teach us to be able to admit our lack of knowledge, thereby enabling us to learn about the different aspects of the world. We should be concerned about other human beings living on the same planet and be capable of respecting other traditions and beliefs of other cultures and religions and respecting other people’s choices.

Education is found to play a major role in improved health and longevity. People who engage themselves in learning new things can improve their well-being and happiness. This effect has more value as we get older, as it turns out that our brains have the plasticity to adapt and help us, even in our old age.

Hence education is one of the most important factors in ensuring happier and longer lives. It is one of the basic facts that people with better education and qualifications get better jobs that pay more money. In addition to this they are less physically demanding and provide more time for leisure and enjoyment. Thus reducing the overall stress in a person's life.

“The ultimate aim of education is happiness or a good human life, a life enriched by the possession of every kind of good, by the enjoyment of every kind of good, by the enjoyment of every kind of satisfaction.”

-Mortimer Adler

