Why Writing Is Important In Our Day To Day Life?

Abhinav Sharma
Jul 20, 2019   •  3 views

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

― Sylvia Plath

There is a lot of day to day skills that you should possess, and if you don't, you should work towards gaining them. Writing is one of them. The homo sapiens is the most intelient species on planet. And that's because humans are capable of living and cooperating in a society, and because they are capable of communicating through various languages. Human civilizations have thrived because of this reason. We know about the existence of ancient human civilizations because of some of the ruins from that time. But we know about the nature of these civilizations because of some written records from that time. That's the power of written records. They survive through generations and tell the story about the time they were written in.

All I was doing in the above paragraph was trying to make a point. Now taking this whole thing on a small scale, I'd like to explain the importance of writing in our day to day life. The nature and social skills of an individual are unique. Some people are extroverts, and some are introverts. Mostly, extroverts find it easy to express whatever is going on in their mind. Introverts face a lot of trouble in this area. They keep their thoughts and feelings inside them, and according to psychology, this can be dangerous for the mental health of that person. So the best way to get those thoughts and feelings out is by writing a journal.

Now the above mentioned point was just one of the many reasons of why writing is important. Numerous researchs have been conducted throughout the years in this area, and the results conclude that reading makes the mind sharper and affects your intellectual abilities in a highly positive way. Now a good reader always has a command over the language he is reading, and that command is usually earned after having a good practice of writing. So the point is that a good writer is always a good reader.

In today's busy life, people hardly get time for themselves. A lot of people have to face serious problems like anxiety and depression. The best therapy for depression is maintianing a journal. That's the power of writing, it can kick away serious health problems like depression.

So these were some of the many perks of writing in our day to day life. List some more of them in the comments. Have a nice day! And oh, keep writing.

