World is place where we all live in various circumstances. But these situations are actually created by our own thoughts. It all starts with the mind, whole world revolves around it.

The rule is what we think is what we get. Likewise if we thought good things, universe will bring you every possible good thing and if we have a bad thought then bad will happen to us.

No hate,anger and evil can bring happiness.
Happiness creates happiness, this is "THE FUNDA" of life.
Mind is a very powerful thing. It can make and break anything. Just start your day with a positive thought, by giving thanks to God for all that you have and you will start to observe the change in your life with the greater positive result.

For example if you have met an accident and got a wound, just imagine and keep saying My wound is healing, I am healing, I am feeling better ( and yes after getting the fisrt aid😋), then you will see you are getting better and better with a fast pace.

Have control on your mind and thought ,Every single thing from pin to plane just start with the single thought. If your mind is able to achieve anything then no one can stop you from getting this.

You are a magnet that can attract anything you want whether good or bad, so choice is all yours.
You can think and have thought anywhere and anytime. Fetch out some time for you and srat believing that you are achieving your dream. To get what you want you have to feel good about yourself and for that thing and feel the joy and excitement around you.

Is that simple.😊
Go and give it a try.🤗