How Does Education Contribute To A Fairer Future?

Yashovardhan Sharma
Apr 30, 2019   •  7 views

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet"-Aristotle

The term education has been derived from theLatinwordslike ducare,educere. Ducare means to train or to mold, and educere, meaningto lead out.Education is the most basic need for a person to survive in this world. Education if used correctly can lead to a successful future but if used as a weapon for something wrong can lead to devastating results.

Education can help to contribute towards a fairer future as if a person is literate and uses his/hers education as a road map for solving the problems they face in life then, they can never fail in solving them .Education not only helps a person to survive but also helps in developing a person’s mind and helping them in excelling in all the fields of life. If people are literate they are independent and are not a burden on someone‘s shoulders they feel a sense of dignity, and respect.

According to UNESCO, in theworldtoday there are about 1 billion non-literate adults. This 1 billion is approximately 26 percent of theworld'sadult population. Women make up two-thirds of all non-literates. 98 percent of all non-literates live in developing countries. Illiteracy is becoming a big problem for our society. More than half of the people of a country are illiterate which leads to the downfall of the country‘s future and if people are not literate enough then there will be no development, there will be no schools, there will be no hospitals and people will never evolve without education.

Education has helped the human race to survive and to evolve. If there was no education then the humans would have never evolved from the apes. It has given the power to the people to revolt or question against something wrong, it has saved lives by helping in finding cures to the deadly diseases in the medical field, and it has led to great discoveries and has revolutionized the human race forever. If there was no education then the great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking would have had never existed and we would have not been living the lavish lives we live today .

Therefore education contributes to a fairer future.

