Contraceptive Pills And The Right To Knowledge!

Yashika Kant
Mar 15, 2019   •  136 views
You should never let fear prevent you from doing what you know is right. - Aung San Suu Kai

You come home from a long day at work. You kick off your shoes and crash on the sofa. You tune on to television for some refreshment. Suddenly the advertisement of contraceptive pills flashes through. The common, mundane ad shows this panicky, paranoid woman who just copulated without using protection and now freaks out about the whole messed up future the unplanned child will bring. And then to the rescue of this damsel in distress comes the “contraceptive pill” known by umpteen different names, which she pops up and suddenly everything becomes phlegmatic and blissful again. All thanks to that birth control pill. Or should she really be thankful to it? Are there no deadly consequences of something that has the power to mould and destroy some very natural biological processes of a female body?

No one can deny that birth control pills are effective in controlling unwanted pregnancy. It provides an opportunity to make family planning a success. The fact that it generally is 99.9% effective adds more credits to its usefulness. But the problem here is something altogether different and very integral to a woman’s body. And to state in plain and simple words, it is serious!

It is very unfortunate to know that how inconsiderate an approach the government and the market undertake towards a woman’s health. There is an extreme lack of awareness regarding the ill effects of using the contraceptive pills. The image which the market has created of these pills is that of a “savior” which simply can’t inflict any harm and is always beneficiary.

Most of the women that consume birth control pills go through a lot of health problems like nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness and fatigue. It completely changes and harms a woman’s menstrual cycle for months. Long term use of birth pills also reduces the chances of getting pregnant mainly due to pelvic infection and damage to the uterus.

Anything employed to curb and alter a natural process is bound to bring some catastrophic effects of its own. It cannot be all sunshine! Sadly. it can be seen that the government and the advertisement market do not mind perpetuating an aura of fake sunshine and thus keeping the consumers in perpetual darkness. Banning the sale of birth pills isn’t a right step. But consistent effort to bring better quality pills with minimal side-effects is something which every woman deserves.

Ultimately everything depends upon the choice of the consumer whether she wants to consume or not but the sagacity of mind and proper ethical code of conduct along with a sense of responsibility on the part of both the state and the market suggest that, before making any choice there mustn’t be any fact hidden from the knowledge of the consumer. That’s mandatory!



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Information asymmetric areas need to be regulated
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