Just an hour back, you're born, everybody in the family is so happy. Your grandmother now has a grandson to love, your father has a son to give ther world to, your mother loves you with all her heart and knows you the most.

Your parents are willing to do anything and everything to keep you happy. Time passes and you keep on growing with all the blessings your parents provide, you don't care where it comes from or how much effort and sweat it took to get those blessingseeking for you. Its all taken for granted.

You want the best shoes, the best clothes, the best cellphone and what not, your parents sacrifice their desires just so you could live your best life. As I said it's all taken for granted.

As you're growing up, you want the cars, the best university, you're willing to go abroad telling your parents to take a loan. Never did you think about the last time they bought anything for their own self. All they did was try to suffice your needs.

But it's all good because that's what parents do, they take a part of them and give it to you. Its the unconditional love they have for you and they would not hesitate to kill for you.

You get all the degrees, you got a nice job, it's time to get married now. Your wife comes home and that's all that matters now. Your parents aren't really important now. If anything they are beginning to irritate you now, you feel like they are poking their nose in your business now.

What's wrong with you?
You're so passed you're thinking about taking them out of their home and sending them to an old age home. How dare you son, all their life they gave you everything you asked just to see this day come. You were supposed to be the support that carries them in their old age and you're bailing out. How dare you?

You're selfish and trust me as you sow so shall you reap , he'll even worse you will reap.
Dear world, please don't get so modern that you forget what you are what you were supposed to be. Our parents must be our first and most important responsibility. They should be our world. Don't run after worldly things so much that you lose your real world. As they say, in the process of us growing up, we forget our parents are growing old.

Love your parents, give them the world just as they did.



Profile of Edris Sater
Edris Sater  •  5y  •  Reply
parents is one of the big blessing of the world. everyone us should know about them, I am agree with this Hortative topic, whol us should keeping hearts of our parents ...
Profile of Sinduja Shankar
Sinduja Shankar  •  5y  •  Reply
Very thoughtful of you to write an article on parents! Well - written article!