Life after death. Hell and Heaven. Paradise and Garden of Eden.

We've heard this and we've heard more.

A few days ago I finished watching a British Web Series called After Life on Netflix.

Honestly, first 5 to 10 mins, I was bored. I didn't connect. Then, after a few months, I saw its name among the series that one must watch on Netflix. It motivated me to start again. And then, it definitely was worth it after all.

It's 6 episodes, 30 minutes each series. It won't take much of your time. Despite the depressive topic of how a man in his forties thinks of killing himself after his wife died because of cancer as he can't stand her absence, takes you on a roller-coaster ride.

Multiple life lessons are impeccably taught along with the witty sarcasm of the protagonist. Although it's rude, mean and insulting, it makes you laugh and reflect.

Grief, sorrow, pain and heartache are inevitable. They are like monsoon showers, they shall definitely come but will fade away to give way for sunshine. The phase will eventually pass, time heals.

While Tony fights over the loss of his wife and the love he has for her is definitely rare in this contemporary world, he eventually moves on, by going on a date and asking a woman out. Not because his love for his wife has abated but because he wants to not give up his life but live.

The most touching part is Tony's chemistry with his Dad and of course his attachment with his wife Lisa.

When he mentions that, " I’D RATHER BE NOWHERE WITH HER THAN SOMEWHERE WITHOUT HER.” proves that coping period is tough but with his dog by his side he accepts the responsibility.
" You can't feel sorry for yourself. You've got to keep going."

That's the major lesson we learn. Feeling pity and helpless won't get us anywhere. To be somewhere we need to start moving from where we are now.

The core message of the show is exactly this: “We’re not just here for us, we’re here for others.”

Selfishness is like a curse. Being nice, spreading love, offering a helping hand, and committing the occasional random act of kindness is the way forward, and the way to make our time on this Earth count.

Everyone loses someone they've loved immensely once in life but suicide or giving up is never an option.

❥ The only way to make a mark for the love you shared is by living and acknowledging the fact that world may not be perfect without them but with you still, here, it'd be definitely better to live.

❥ The little kindness makes more difference than the plenty full of evil we fight.

Summers are done but After Life is indeed a must watch for fresh insight on life.

