Why Vince Mcmahon May Be Right About Finn Balor

Vivek Kumar
Mar 12, 2019   •  24 views

When Finn Balor defeated AJ Styles in one hell of a match at No Mercy, everyone believed that Finn will finally be moving into the main event scene. However, the very next night on Raw, Kane defeated Finn Balor in a one-sided match with three back to back chokeslams. The booking shocked everyone. In the next few days, several websites made the claim that the plans of Finn Balor facing Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble had been dropped because Vince Mcmahon didn't feel Finn Balor was over enough with the crowd.

The report created a lot of buzz on the social media. Even Finn Balor posted a lot of tweets of him not being over enough. Finn Balor then won an online poll conducted by WWE about who should be the next opponent for Brock Lesnar. Finn Balor received 39 % of the votes followed by Braun Strowman with 21%.

Finn Balor got a lot of support from the fans on social media but the same couldn't be said about live events. As seen throughout the year, Finn Balor always gets a decent pop from the crowd. As a babyface, fans cheer him. However, by decent one does not mean one of the loudest. For a person who is supposed to be in the main event scene, you need the crowd to interact with him. Roman Reigns might not be the most cheered guy but whenever he makes an appearance, he gets a huge reaction. The reaction might be a mixed one but most importantly, people care about him. However, with Finn Balor, this is not the case.

Finn Balor has a great entrance. But other than that, his non-demonic gimmick is as generic as they come. There is nothing special about his mic skills. When it comes to the in-ring performance, most of his offense involves just variation of kicks and dropkicks. Now, I am not saying that The Demon King is a bad wrestler. It is just that WWE has limited his move-set to a great extent. Finn Balor rarely uses the Bloody Sunday nowadays which I believe is much better than Coup de Grâce. Finn Balor has also dropped many other moves which he used to do as Prince Devitt in Japan.

Without the paint on, Balor's character lacks charisma and it's one of the big reasons why the crowd does not really get behind him because most of the time, it is the same Finn Balor we see every time. There is nothing that makes you expect something new.

However, the creatives were not very kind to him either. Upon his return from the injury, Balor was not involved in any major feud. Instead, he was just squashing lower card wrestlers. The first major he had was against Bray Wyatt which is arguably one of the worst feuds this year. How can one expect the crowd to get behind someone who seems to be having pointless matches with the same finishes every time? With such a horrific booking of a wrestler who was the first ever Universal Champion, it is no surprise that Balor lost all his momentum.

