Consistency Is What Success Demands!

Vishal Jain
Jun 07, 2019   •  36 views

Work – a word of which everyone of us are familiar to. All of us work all day , be it for earning money, for earning respect , for helping others and so on. We have been listening for yearsthat Hard-work is the key to success, and now in the modern era the wordHard-work is replaced by Smart-work. Now we are told to be smart enough to get our work in time or before time.

The irony hereis that though all of us are aware that we must do smart-work yet only a few of us are able to succeed. Why ? Have we ever thought of the possible reasons behind it? What is the skill that is possessed by those who succeed and not by us?

We are flooded with many answers such as that their learning power is better , their memorising power is better, they have better concentration and many more. Though all of these answers are right in their places but one thing that we always ignore is CONSISTENCY in our work.Consistency means regularity in our work. It is based upon the principle that insteadof studyingfor 10 hours in last day , one must study for two hours daily. In order to materialise our dreams , along with smart-workwe must be consistent in carrying out work.

We must develop a habit of working daily rather than breaking amountain at once. We must be regular in our work be it be studying , workplace, etc.Onecannot excel in any activity he or she is performing unless he or she works regular on it. You can not win a race by practising for a day only unless you are the only one who is competing. You can’t clear your examsby working for 2 or 3 days only .

We havemany examples of great people in front of us.Let us take an example ofplayers of any sports. All the players are very well aware of what they have to do on- field yet they practice daily. They toil daily so as to improve their skills and techniques.Consistency enhancesour ability and helps us in achieving our specialised skills. If you are regular in your work you would develop a unique skill that no other will possess.

What to do to be Consistent?

Anyone who wants to be consistent in his or her work must first love the work he or she is doing. If the person develops a dislike for the work , he won’tbe able to remain regular in it and thus can’t enhance his or her skills. Our love towards our work stimulates us every morning to be regular in it and to discover our unique way to do such work.Thus it is always seen that only those who are doing the workthey love to do,are regular in it without any exogenous force or help.Inorder to be consistent , we must reduce the time we devote to our entertainment. We mustcarve out new schedules so as to wake up early and thus we will have more time to spend on our works andto improve our consistency.

A time saved is a time earned , and if that earned time is devoted to our work , it helpsus to be consistent because-

Consistency is what Success demands !!!!!!!!!!!!!

