The Internet of things(Iot) is burning technology that we are witnessing in our day to day is estimated that there can be 50 billion iot devices in 2020.It is also estimated that the global market value of iot will reach $7.1 trillion in 2020.

Most of you are thinking what is Internet of things.let me explain it to you.
so imagine chair you are sitting on ,your belongings and skin are all wirelessly connected through embedded techonlogy(embedded technology here is a device through which device connect through the internet).Imagine all these stuff are contniously conveying data to the internet and hence people can analyse the data and act accordingly.let me give you live example like smart watch which you wear while performing excecises you have set a target to loose a certain amount of weight it will give you your heart rate during that course and also how much calorie you had burn depending on that you can analyse how much more you have to do to make your target like that there are 100 of devices which are there which can make our life simpler.In todays world we can play with the technology if we have right frame of mind .Iot is no different it is part of our day to day life people use technology but are not aware how it works that's why they simply not used to it.

now let me give you another glimse of iot working ,suppose you go to a super market and you point your camera at any product you get to know about its directory information ,ingredients and etc.All informtion you can get just connecting your smart phone with internet.these are all possible because of internet of things.The era we are heading in it is best to say we are becoming a medium to bring more and more technology advancement to fulfill our needs.

