
image source: g💕gle

 MAN: to the west, there's an evil witch. if you go there, you will become her slave.

NORTH WITCH: to the east and to the south there are great deserts and nobody dares to cross them. I live in the north where there's a great dessert. sorry, we can't help you. 

(Dorothy started to cry.)


image source: google

north witch: what is your name, dear?

Dorothy: my name is Dorothy and he is my little puppy toto.


image source: google

( suddenly, the witch of the west appeared and said to dorothy.)

witch of

the west: what do you done? you killed my sister!

north witch: get away from her! you can't harm her!

witch of 

the west: i want my sister's shoes! give them to me!

north witch: now they belong to her. go away.

witch of

 the west: i will leave, but i'll find you later, i promise. ha! ha! ha! ha!

north witch: dorothy, you must go to emerald city. the wizard of Oz might help you. 

dorothy: where is that city? how can i get there?

north witch: it's in the middle of the country. the wizard of Oz rules the city. he's a good wizard, but i have never seen him. you have to follow the yellow brick road to reach there. 

can you guess? why did the witch of the west want the shoes back from dorothy?

dorothy: are you coming with me?

north witch: no, i can't. when you get to Oz, tell him your story and ask for help.

(saying this the good north witch disappeared.)

dorothy: oh! she's gone. toto, we have to go.

(dorothy and toto starting walking through the yellow brick road. after a while, they heard someone talking.)

image source: googlescarecrow: i need a brain! i need a brain!

(dorothy looked in the direction of the voice and saw a big cornfield, where there was a scarecrow talking to her.)

dorothy: did you say that you need a brain?

scarecrow: yes! do you think if i go to the emerald city with you, the wizard of Oz would give me some brains?

dorothy: i can't tell, but you may come with me, if you like. i am sure he will give you a brain.

scarecrow: i will come with you. 

(dorothy, toto and scarecrow kept walking on the rough road. after a while, they saw a tin man beside the road.)


image source: google

tin man: please, get an oil can to oil my joints. they have got rusted so badly that i cannot move them at all. if i am well oiled, i shall soon be all right again. you will find an oil can on a shelf in my cottage. 

(dorothy at once ran bank to the cottage and found the oil can.)

tin man: now oil my neck and the joints in the arm. perfect! now i can talk and move again. so my problem is that i don't have a heart.😮 by the way, where are you going?

dorothy: we are going to see the wizard of Oz, he will help us.

tin man: do you think Oz could give me a heart? can i come with you?

dorothy: i guess so, it would be a pleasure to have your company.

(dorothy, toto, the scarecrow and the tin man continued their journey through the yellow brick road.) (after a few hours, toto started barking on seeing a lion beside the road.)


image source: google

Dorothy: Toto, stop barking! come here, lion. Toto will not harm you.

(the lion came out from his hiding place. he was crying and wiping his eyes with his tail.)

Dorothy: why are you crying?

lion: I am crying because I wish that I had courage. I was scared of your little dog.

scarecrow: but that isn't right. the king of beasts shouldn't be a coward.

lion: I know. what do I do?

tinman: why don't you come with us to visit the wizard of Oz? maybe he can help you too.

(so everybody decided to visit the wizard of Oz hoping to make their wishes come true.)

(continued  on next part)

