The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Part- 1

Emily Duhe
Aug 17, 2021   •  1 view

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(dorothy was a little orphan girl, who lived on a farm in kansas with her uncle henry, aunt em and a little black dog called toto. uncle henry never laughed. he worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. he was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots. aunt em was thin and gaunt and never smiled. toto played all day long and dorothy played with him and loved him dearly. one day dorothy was playing outside with toto, when her uncle called out.) 

uncle henry: there's a cyclone coming, em, i'll go look after the stock. 

(and he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept. aunt em went to the door and when she saw the dark sky, she know they were in danger.)

aunt em: dorothy! come inside and go to the basement!

(toto and dorothy went inside, but toto got scared and hid under the bad, while aunt em opened the basement door and went inside. meanwhile, dorothy tried to get toto out from under the bed.)

dorothy: toto, toto come here!

(suddenly, the house stared to shake. dorothy fell down on the floor and toto jumped into her arms. the house started to rise slowly into the air like a balloon, and they were taken miles and miles away from their home. dorothy kept her calm, went to her bad, closed her eyes and fell asleep. after a few hours, the house stopped spinning and dorothy was woken up by a loud noise. she found herself in an unknown place.)


image source: google 

dorothy: what has happened? the house is not moving any more. come toto, let's go outside. 

(when she went outside, she was astonished to see the beauty of the place. some people came to her.)

dorothy: oh this place is so beautiful!


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north witch: welcome to our country. we are grateful to you for destroying the evil witch.

dorothy: i haven't destroyed anybody.

woman: well, your house did. look over there!

(under the house, dorothy could see a pair of legs with a pair of beautiful silver shoes.)

dorothy: oh, dear! oh, dear! the house must have fallen on her. whatever shall we do? who was she?

man: she was the east evil witch. she kept people from this city prisoners. they were her slaves day and night, and now they are free.

dorothy: (to the north witch) are you a real witch?

north witch: of course! but i am a good witch and i am not as powerful as the evil witch was. take her shoes and wear them. 

(dorothy puts on the shoes.)


image source: google

dorothy: i want to go home. can you show me the way to kansas?

