Be Fearless In The Pursuit Of What Sets Your Soul On Fire

Barun Kumar Gupta
Jan 17, 2023   •  12 views

In the jungle which animal is the biggest of them all?
I heard you say the Elephant.

Which animal is the tallest?
I heard you say, the Giraffe.

Which animal is the wisest?
I hear you say the Fox.

Which animal is the fastest?
I heard you say the Cheetah.

Among all these wonderful qualities mentioned, where is the Lion in the picture?

And yet we say that the Lion is the king of the jungle.


Because the lion is courageous.
The Lion is Bold
The Lion walks with confidence
The Lion is Fearless
The Lion dares to go above and beyond and he is never afraid.
The Lion is unstoppable because he believes in himself.
And the Lion make the most of every opportunity he gets, he never let's an opportunity slip from his hands.

So what can we learn from the Lion today?

You don't need to be the fastest,
You don't need to be the wisest,
You don't need to be the smartest,
Or the most brilliant.

All you need is courage, boldness, the will to try and to believe in yourself.

It’s a winning mindset, that’s all it takes...

#mindset #positivity #goodvibes#leadership #nlp

