Why Breaking Out Of The Comfort Zone Is The Pathway To Growth

Vidipta Sharma
Jun 09, 2019   •  28 views

Comfort zone refers to a psychological state where one feels at ease, secure and in command of the situations. One may think being there to be so good, so peaceful that nothing else is needed for him. It's indeed a beautiful place, but nothing beautiful grows there.

Ginny Rometty, CEO of IBM, said something similar while introspecting her own career: “Growth and comfort do not coexist.” That is, if you’re stepping into a bigger role at work, learning a new skill, pursuing a goal or making a change, you cannot grow into the person you want to be unless you are first willing to get uncomfortable.

There's a popular saying that magic begins at the end of your comfort zone. And this isn't just a good-sounding phrase, but a truth. Many of us are happy living within the confines of a 'set' life, happily! They are even content to sail through life impervious to their potential.

This is because through evolution, we humans are hardwired to nurture and value safety. We rather would not take risks in case life does not emerge as we hope for.

But, the truth is, familiarity keeps you safe but oftentimes stuck and stagnant. And stagnation isn't stability. It is actually catastrophic for life.

Do you know what's the difference between a living thing and something that's dead? In the medical field, a dead body is one that doesn't change. Hence, change is life ; stagnation is death. So either you change or you die...... that simple, that scary.

Hence, in life, you're either changing for good or dying, i.e., either growing or dying. And growth involves progress. Progress involves movement. And this movement is moving out of your comfort zone. This is how you're going to experience new things and discover your calling. This is how you're gonna put in best of your efforts to gain what you want, what you love the most. This is how you're gonna be truly happy, even ecstatic.

Do you know another strange thing? It is that comfort doesn’t stay comfortable forever! Yes, sticking with the comfort of the status quo may provide you some short-term sense of security, but spend too much time in your comfort zone and your muscles for life will gradually wither. And this isn't something one wishes upon himself, ever.

Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Staying within the deep recesses of your comfort zone does just so for you. Deep within the heart, one knows his capabilities and failing to act upon cultivating them to his strengths, experiences and success leads to regrets. Even imagining living like that gives goosebumps.

Remember to never stay in the comfort zone for much time to avoid getting trapped in there.

In the end, I am sharing a graphical representation of how stepping out of the comfort zone is necessary for growth to begin.

