There Is Always More Than What You See

Vidhi Singhal
Jun 01, 2019   •  19 views

What if your dreams held a meaning ? What if your dreams contained answers for what you were looking for? What if they were your fear, insecurities or desires of your subconscious?

Dream interpretation is a process of allotting meaning to your dream. This is done by considering certain symbols or collection of symbols to interpret the meaning behind the dream. Understanding your dreams can give you a different perspective on how to tackle life's obstacles.These obstacles can be from deep within or external factors that you may have overlooked.

Water signifiesthe dreamer's inner emotional state of mind. Like most people who might not understand their emotions very well, water can mimic our emotions we might be feeling or those thoughts we have when we are not paying attention. If you are underwater in your dream, this might indicate feeling drowned, overwhelmed, or swallowed up by unconscious thoughts, emotions, urges or memories. It is important to consider the colour, dept, location, quatity and quality of water to help you analyze and asses a particular dream's meaning.

Chase dreams often occur when our emotions become repressed.Emotions such as love, hate, envy or anxiety that have been bottled up seem to appear but in our dreams. Analyzing your chase dream can be a very helpful tool to manage how you handle stressful situations in your life, it will help you understand if you are facing your fears directly or if your running away from them. Chase dreams usually tend to be quite scary and can happen more than once. These dreams should not be ignored but rather be paid attention to in order to eliminate the chances of such dreams repeating again.

Falling dreams are a sign that something in your life isn't going well. It might suggest that you need to rethink a choice or consider a new direction in some area of your life. It is mostly seen assign of fear also, fear of failing in your life or so on. Researchers say the average human will dream about falling to his death more than 5 times in their life.

Flying dreamsreflect what might be going on in your life at the moment. They are often positive dreams that signify high exceptions that reflect your walking life. Though it can also hold a negative translation if you are having difficulty taking off. According to Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, dreams about flying often represent two very different sides. One that it can represent feelings of freedom and independence and other that it can also indicate a desire to escape from the realities of life.

Such dreams signifies everything from creativty to fear. For women it also is a sign of her fear to not be a good mother for her kid. It can also be a indication of difficult times and symbolises growth and development in a few aspects of your life and can be a start of a new idea, project, goals etc.

Dying dreams can often reflect the mourning for the passage of time, for instance such dream for a parent can signify their fear of their child growing up and reaching milestones and in that process loosing their child version. It also symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening in your life. Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that there are alot of changes you will experince in the future . It shows that you are moving on to start a new beginning and closing the past chapter.

Many cases animals signifies an aspect of your personality or a hidden trait. Such dreams often help us know about our repressed traits and help us explore some of our emotions and instincts. Sometimes the animals we dream about, symbolize our own behavior in real life and also represent our sexual nature. For example, dreaming about an wild animal can a warning for the difficulties you might face soon, where as dreaming about a domestic animal can be a sign of harmony, loyalty and love in one's life.

Despite how scary or anxious the dream can make you feel, there is a meaning in it that you are overlooking in your life. Your unconscious mind is hinting for you to pay attention and if you don't then the dream is more likely to keep repeating until the problem is solved. Keeping a note of your dreams in order to remember them better is often suggested to able to find the meaning behing them.

