Why You Should Watch 'the Shining'

Vatsal Thakore
Apr 10, 2019   •  12 views

Based on the novel of the same name, by the world's most popular and one of the best horror fiction writers, Stephen King, 'The Shining’ is a horror movie made by one of the best directors that Hollywood has had - Stanley Kubrick.

Made in 1980, 'The Shining’ is considered a masterpiece of modern horror. It stars Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall in the lead roles. And if the grandeur of the author, the director and the cast wasn't enough to convince you of watching the movie, here are other reasons that make the movie worth watching:

Not a simple/generic horror:
Most of the horror movies that are made, have one thing that they rely on the most for scaring their audience: jump scares.

‘The Shining’ doesn't have any of that. It is not a horror movie like the most you watch. It is a psychological horror. It revolves around a family of three people - a man, his wife and their son, who move into an old hotel that is entirely empty, except for them. The man, Jack, is a writer who is trying to get rid of his drinking problems. Through the movie, he encounters the presence of ghosts, which takes a toll on his sanity and he gradually begins to become violent.

The movie has a constantly creepy feel to it. Unlike the most horror movies you watch, this one doesn't have different scary moments that are scattered throughout the movie, but it has an eerie feel to it from the beginning till the very end, without a single break from it. Right from the beginning, the movie starts to creep you a little and gradually as the plot moves forward, its creepiness increases. The scenes all have a queer and sinister feel to them. This movie has the horror that slowly grows on you.

Remarkable performances:
Jack Nicholson, who plays the role of Jack Torrance, gave an absolutely brilliant performance. His slow transformation from a calm person to a violent maniac is very believable, which makes it truly creepy and at the same time, masterly.

Shelley Duvall’s portrayal of Wendy Torrance, who is Jack's wife, is excellent. The tormented and distressed state of her character is very proficiently and skilfully portrayed by her, also very believable.

Danny Lloyd, who plays the child Danny Torrance, has also given a notable performance at such young age.

‘The Shining’ is a well made movie with an amazingly constructed story, has the element of mystery to it, and great performances.

All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.

