Moving out into that unlimited roads to the neverending open skies around with the essence of freedom is that one dream anyone would have dreamed about at least once in their lifetime.

The craving to attain the taste of self isa dream indeed. And making it happen is all with those introverts and extroverts on whether they want to just feel it in their dreams or feel it with achievement.

A journey to a targeted or an unknown destination is that one dream come true to any generation beginning with the youth to the oldest generation. Travelling is in the blood. There's always is place for TRAVELLING in the bucket lists.

It's not necessary that the journey is to discover new places, culture or beauty. A journey is not everytime about the place you go. But it is the journey to discovering yourself. What you are. Who you are. It's the acceptance of the very own self. Every route taken is always another step taken to discovering who you really are. Meaning of life is attained only when you know the purpose of your life and living.

Knowing what is needed in your life is the power of living. When you know what you want, you exactly know what is to be done for it. The exact route to achieving your dream. It could be anything under the sky that belongs to your dream. But moving through the journey is not enough. The most needed is hardwork. Hardwork gives you the results of success.

Once the journey begins, each obstacle is the next step of discovery. And the way of discovering it is all the credits goes to the wanting of the elegant game of the mind.

Embracing those cherished moments of every corner of the journey are the elements that brings life to the journey.Moving on to the roads where the hair touches the breeze softness of the air is that one feel of goodness and calming. Every touch of the breeze is enjoyed to the infinite not just with the self but the other selves around as well. Well, you know what I am talking about right ?! Friends !!! They are the bunch of undiscovered discovering selves who could provide you with a faster route of discovering what you are to being what you will be !!

Stop waiting for a chance. Create one. Grab it. Move out. Go for the journey to embrace yourself. Bring out the lamp in you and light it for ever.

