Dreams are the things we deeply desire or the things we love. All of us have our own dreams and we aspire to become something in this journey of life.
The Bible clearly tells us about the plans that God has for us. Yes that is true! But during the course of life we discover things and feel passionate towards something, which is not wrong.
These dreams can be written down and placed before the Lord, not telling him "This is my dream and this is what I want " rather, saying God this is what I desire, if it is your will please bring it to pass. If it is His will then He will surely allow it and you will accomplish what you dreamed of. BUT if its not in His list then God’s NO might be painful sometimes, it is because He has something better in his mind than what we have for ourselves.
This is where the verse from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” is proved to be applicable in our lives.
The first thing to do is to accept it…
We also get our YES’S in prayers and God helps us accomplish our dreams and gives us the strength to attain it. This needs a true dedication from our side and a hard working spirit in a person. Write down your dreams and with prayer, progress towards achieving the goal that you are striving for.
The verse” WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE” gives us the faith, hope and courage to move on.
If you have dreams, place it before God and only the best will happen to you, whether the answer is a YES or a NO, God will make your life like a gleam of SUNSHINE.
Keep smiling through it all!!


