Here’S Why Making Books Your Best Friend Is A Good Idea:

Ushma Doshi
Jul 16, 2019   •  13 views

In the current age where social media is the ruler, it’s so easy to browse through your feed to watch your daily dose of memes or funny dog videos, glance at the days headlines and staying updated with the latest Netflix show.It helps you get through the day feeling productive without actually having read anything substantial.

For it’s easier to skim different apps on your phone than actually picking up a book/novel and keeping up with it everyday. Is that what we have come to think now? If this sounds like you, or if you just shook your head in approval then you could be missing out on an entirely new dimension where everything is based on your own imagination. Doesn’t that sound cool?

So, here are a few reasons why you must instantly pick up a book or a two from the bookstore or order it online ofc, and load your ebook reader with new titles and start reading more today;

  • What’s Boredom?

Imagine waking up and getting through the day without getting bored. Imagine traveling on a 16 hour flight without getting bored. Imagine sitting through that boring inorganic chemistry class without getting bored.That’s what books do to you, they make you forget what boredom is.So pick up a book and create your own world.

  • The Best Kind Of Relaxation:

When you’ve had a terrible day and when the odds are not in your favor all you have to do is pick your book, find a peaceful location and you’re all set. What is more relaxing than getting lost in a novel, forgetting about everything around you, the chaos; the fights or whatsoever ruined your mood, for a while. And you’ll definitely be more relaxed afterward.

  • There’s So Much To Choose From:

Picking books to read is like picking worlds to live in. There are so many books in the world that you’ll never be able to read all of them and no matter how true this may sound,it breaks my heart every time. So you can have your own pick; and feed the hungry soul inside of you with the best of books.

  • You Have So Much To Share:

Say goodbye to boring conversations because when you read, you have so much to convey and portray. You’re never a boring person, always a great conversationalist.

  • Apart From This,

it helps you build your imagination. It improves your vocabulary drastically. Reduces your stress level and increases tolerance. Gives you the perfect escape from your mundane routine. Improves your memory and concentration. Most of all, reading has the power to keep you happy.

Well, on the whole reading can help you find peace amongst today’s chaotic world. A book can be your therapy, best friend, travel partner and what not.

It’s only a book that can make time travel possible, you can experience the summer of 1980 and with a page turn you’re at the dance party happening on the flying cars in 2050.

So grab your books as fast as you can because there are a million books to read and a zillion places to visit amongst them, and one lifetime isn’t enough.



Profile of Ud
Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
very true!! check out my articles too :)