We don’t all have equal opportunities. But we all have the opportunity to be better than we currently are. We all have opportunity to be and do better than we did yesterday. We all have the opportunity to learn more today than we did yesterday. We all have the opportunity to grow, more today than we did yesterday. We all have the opportunity to become more than they thought we could become. We all have the opportunity to attract, whatever we desire into our experience. It is up to you and you alone. If you take responsibility for your life and seek the opportunities you wish to find, you will find them. And when you do, find them and conquer them. Don’t take your opportunity for granted. It’s easy growing up in a western world, to take almost everything for granted. The amount of people that started with nothing and achieved insane success, well, the stories are everywhere. These people took advantage of their opportunities. They were always on the lookout for new opportunities to grow themselves and to take their lives on a higher level.

Opportunities will never present themselves to those who have lost hope. You are never going to attract great things in your life, if you have lost faith, if you feel like this world is against you. The world will be against you. You will attract that energy into your life. Whatever you’re putting out is always coming back at you full circle. It’s like a boomerang, if you are throwing out your story of hardship and bad luck, this universe is going to throw more examples of hardships and bad luck for you to deal with.

However, if you feel this world is conspiring in your favor, miracles will show up in your life. Change encounters an opportunity that may seem insignificant will read to something much greater. This world will always reflect back to you, your very own attitude and beliefs. Be open to opportunity. We all have the power to be great. Regardless of the level you all are currently, there’s always another level. We all have the power to become so much more than we are. Life throws us many opportunities, and when it does, it’s our responsibility to recognize those opportunities, cease a day and work bloody hard that you squeeze every drop out of these opportunities.

